by Diane Thomas-Rupert, Stevensville
Every day volunteers are giving of their time and talents to create positive outcomes. For the work you do to help people and animals, I thank you so very much. Without you what would Ravalli County and the State of Montana be like?
A look at the present bills in the Montana Legislature might give us a clue. In contrast to volunteers, we see so many legislators presenting bills that are intended to have negative consequences. Their efforts are spent towards meanness, cruelty and getting rid of people and animals that they don’t like.
A good example would be SB458. That bill is just about as negative as you can get, for absolutely no purpose. It is around 60 some pages and includes parts from about 40 some other pieces of legislation. How much time and money has been spent on negative causes that tramp on people’s rights?
How about the Legislature spending their time and our tax money doing things for the good of Montana citizens? If you can’t do a thing for the greater good of we the people, then don’t run. You do not belong in public office.
Yes, to volunteers and the positive things they do. A big no to Montana Senators and Representatives who make the lives of Montana people and animals worse. Vote them out!