by John Dowd
After months of prep work, last Saturday’s Stevensville Police Department Annual Chili Cook-Off was by all accounts a success. Drawing nearly 100 people, and making over $10,536, minus $1,000 for expenses, the event brought a great variety of chili to the Stevensville masses, and for a good cause. When all was said and done, Kristin Kruse, secretary of the Stevensville Police Department, explained “I feel like people are just happy to get out and be with the community.” According to Stevensville Police Department Chief, Mac Sosa, “It’s just great to see the community support.”
Chief Sosa talked about the challenge of funding for a small department like his. Currently, the Stevensville Department employs him and two other officers, with an opening for another. Sosa has been in law enforcement for over 30 years, and has been with Stevensville for two. Anything they get helps, he said, and he spoke excitedly about a vehicle Helena donated to the department, which they were able to outfit with some of the funds from last year’s cook-off. He hoped this year would do at least as well as last.
Among changes that were made, Kruse mentioned that last year they ran out of food, so this year they got more drinks, put out more toppings and asked for some people to bring extra if possible. With these and other changes, Kruse said the event ran much smoother.

One of the other issues they ran into at last year’s event was that they only put out a few tables. According to Sosa, they were not sure what to expect, and so they wanted it to look full. However, they were pleasantly surprised at the turnout, so this year they put out all the tables. As Sosa said during an interview at the event, “and you can see the turnout,” motioning to the crowded hall, where table space was at a premium. “All of our tables were filled, we had community support, everybody had a great time, I think it went great.” said Sosa.
After paying $5 admission, participants could try chili made by 20 teams. Team entries were judged by a panel consisting of Dave and Mari Laursen, owners of Far West Storage, Dave Thennis, Superintendent of Stevensville Public Schools, and Stephen Lassiter, Stevensville Parks Director. Chilies varied from classic styles to elk with pineapple. Spiciness level varied, and so did the teams from all over the area.
In third place was the team Red Hot Chili Peppers, who’s winning recipe was called “Chili Chili Bang Bang.” In second place was Morgan Doyle, with her recipe “Mom’s Chili.” In first place, “with bragging rights,” as Chief Sosa said during announcing, was Ethan Doyle. Having left his 13-year-old sister in second, 11 year-old Ethan excitedly accepted his trophy and prize money. According to his father, Sean Doyle, this was the first chili his son had ever made. Young Ethan used a pork green chili he called “Mimi’s Recipe.” Kruse said, ”I was really excited that Ethan won first place. They are just a really nice family.”
At the end of the chili eating, before the auction, the Stevensville American Legion Post donated a several hundred dollar check to the department, and the Stevensville Civic Club donated $1,000. According to Sean Doyle, Civic Club President, “they help us with everything we do.”