by David Leslie, Corvallis
A recurring virus is again loose in our land. Like most viruses, absent vigilance and prevention, it will recur often in a more virulent form. This pathogen goes by several names, mostly commonly called populism. I will simply refer to it as a “politically transmitted disease,” or PTD.
First what appears to be so, it is transmitted human to human; there is no evidence that it has jumped from animals to humans. It can quickly infect whole social groups. It seems to attack a cognitive weakness in personality. It can have devastating impacts on relationships, social groups and community life. It manifests more often in things not done than positive accomplishments.
You can expect to see the damage caused by this virus in the work of our current Montana legislators, not to mention the US House of Representatives.
From endemics to pandemics, there is always a question about how a virus moves through a society. In the case of PTD, its vectors seems to be apathy; ignorance; misguided parenting; stunted moral development; underdeveloped social skills; and unfettered access to social media’s unreliable information.
In my view, this is serious enough that we can’t wait for science to produce the definitive, or guaranteed cure; we must act, evolving as our knowledge increases. Enough is apparent that we can take steps to protect ourselves.
The headline is this: WE MUST EACH PRACTICE POLITICALLY SAFE POLITICS. Such an approach includes such activities as seeking information versus swallowing propaganda; self vaccination; staying out of houses of political ill repute; choosing your friends with care; supporting good governance with your time and money; and finally voting for positive, forward-looking leaders.