by Dallas Erickson, Stevensville
A local newspaper recently ran a political cartoon depicting an agent asking people coming off an airline some questions. The agent asked, “From which cruel and despotic regimes are you fleeing?” The person first on the line coming down the steps replied. “Texas and Florida!! What a distortion of the truth. Those states are being inundated by millions of illegal refugees that Biden refuses to address. (Biden flew many to other areas himself!). Because of the great expense of having this flood of people in their states, those governors are flying illegal refugees to other states so they can share the costs and expenses. Some who call themselves “Sanctuary Cities” are complaining about having to take care of them and shipping them elsewhere. What a misleading and stupid cartoon.
On the same page was a guest column by Marty Essen, a local “writer”. The heading of the column was “Christian Nationalism and Book Banning.”
(Apparently only certain people are allowed to write “Guest Columns”)
Essen’s piece truly reflects who he is historically and what he stands for. He implicated Jesus Christ in almost all the evils that have ever existed. I know Jesus Christ to never support evil of any kind. Christ would never support the purposeful destruction of the environment, school shootings or the subjugation of women, as Essen claims. People may do those things but if they do, they are not following Christ so are NOT Christians.
Then he belittles anyone who “bans” books. As the one behind the writing of the State Child Pornography law in 1995 (Sexual Abuse of Children) and the one that led the lobbying to get it passed, I am appalled at Essen’s column.
“Banned” is a broad word that includes a parent who does not allow pornographic books in their home. It includes a state law against certain material such as pornography depicting children sexually. It includes anyone that does not allow books that encourage youth to commit suicide or to change their gender by castration and drugs and mutilation. A jail that does not allow obscenity in the jail is “banning” books. The list could go on and on. He doesn’t mention that the most banned book is the Bible, and it is not allowed in the schools in many instances.
The headlines are full of courageous parents who attend school board meetings around the nation and read some of the horrific pornographic material that our children are allowed or required to read in school. And the parents are kicked out of the meetings, or silenced, for reading such filth!
Essen’s statement, “Buy a controversial book and give it to a student” is chilling and seems to indicate a serious lack of morality. Is he proposing for people to buy a book featuring child pornography, or sexual mutilation books or that encourage suicide or disfigurement of our children and give it to a child? Is there an age limit on the “student” that receives it Marty?
In this day when people all over the nation are using such material to groom our children by denigrating their parents and teaching them to go against their parents into all types of ugly perversions and destructive activity, it is shocking to read such material in our local papers.
Gomez says
Dallas, methinks doth protest too much..