by Doug Bohn, Victor
What is the Ravalli County Republican Central Committee (RCRCC)? It consists of two “Precinct Representatives,” commonly known as Captains, from each precinct in the county, one man, one woman, plus officials elected by the assembly.
I’ll start with what it was: simply a fundraising arm for anyone with an “R” behind their name seeking elected office in the County or State, without vetting.
Things are changing. Thanks, in large part, to Dan Schultz who started “The Precinct Project”, an America First organization bringing awareness to “Establishment” republicans currently in power within the party. As Dan puts it: “Being a precinct captain makes you an owner, not just a donor.”
This movement has raised awareness of RCCs throughout the nation and attracted notable people to become precinct captains including General Michael Flynn, ruffling feathers both locally and nationally. The National GOP spent more money to defeat “America First” Republican candidates in this current election cycle than to defeat Democrats.
Think “Deep Red” Ravalli County is exempt from such issues? Montana has been “targeted” by both Democrats and the “Establishment Republicans” for destruction of our American Values. Look at the voting records of the “republican” representatives that have been supported by the RCRCC over the last few sessions.
Few Ravalli County Republicans’ voting records are consistent with the MTGOP platform. Some of “our” elected officials have even refused to sign on supporting this platform. What conclusion do we draw from this opposition to the political party they claim to represent?!
Paul Harvey’s classic: “If I were the Devil” will ring of today’s headlines. All politics are local.
Helen Sabin says
Sorry about the typos in my postabove. Here is the way it should read:
Doug is a member of the John Birch Society and their extremist positions on many things including the conspiracy theories the group promotes. He doesn’t tell you that the downstream candidates for local election were told that they must sign on to the platform of this extreme Bircher ANTI-Constitutional group even if they did not agree to some of the items in the platform in order to get funding from the Central committee for their campaigns. These ethical, honest, strong, independent thinkers and candidates for local and reelection locally did not sell their souls to this extortion attempt. They want to represent ALL Montanans, not just “some” of them. These four: Bedey, Binkley, Rusk, and Ellsworth are Independent thinkers, and will represent all the voices in Montana. Elect David Beatty, Michelle Binkley, Wayne Rusk, and Jason Ellsworth for the state legislature. Want to see corruption in politics? Just go to the GOP Central committee meetings and you will see how Birch members have packed that group with those who let the Birch ideology come out of their mouths. Regular Republicans, who support TRUMP and America First in the valley will work to get them out and are doing so. We need America First Republicans and TRUMP supporters in the central committee – not these extremists who think they will show YOU the way to THEIR salvation. As the Bible says, they need to get their own houses in order before trying to “assume” leadership of the GOP party.
Helen sabin says
Doug is a member of the John birch society and their extremist positions on many things including the conspiracy theories the group promotes. He doesn’t tell you that the down stream candidates for local election were told that they must sign on to the platform of this extreme Bircher non- Constitutional group even if they did not agree to some of the items in the platform in order to get funding from the Central committee. For their campaigns. These ethical, honest, strong, independent thinkers and candidates for local and reelection. Didvnot sell their souls to this extortion attempt and said they would represent ALL Montanans not just some of them. These four: Bedey, Binkley, Rusk, and Ellsworth are Independent thinkers, and will represent all the voices in Montana. Elect David Beatty, Michelle Binkley, Wayne Rusk, and Jason Ellsworth for the state legislature. What to see corruption in politics? Just go to the GOP Central committee meetings and you will see how they have packed that group with butchers who are extremists. Regular Republicans in the valley will work to get them out and are doing so.