by Susan McCreary, Stevensville
It is not hard to catch fish when you use the right bait. I was not expecting to catch fish the first cast out with my letter to the editor of August 3, 2022. But then the big mouth suckers always rush in to be first to feed on anything you cast out.
Neither Doug Bohn nor Von Dailey ever bothered to introduce themselves to me, never talked to me, they did not bother to find out where I am from, what I believe, or if I went to church. Yet they both seem to automatically know what I am, what I think, and that I am Bible illiterate.
That is truly amazing! Mother used to call them big frogs in little ponds. Those big frogs, who are controlling the Republican Central Committee, are the extreme right John Birchers, Libertarians, and are the real Republicans in name only.
melva neal says
great reply thank you I agree 100percent
Helen Sabin says
Susan – you hit the nail on the head with this op ed. When we first moved here we were at a central committee meeting one night when Terry Lackey brought in a big group of folks to become precinct captains or leaders. They were not even from the area where they were to become precinct captains. One even said, “Terry TOLD me that I w would do this job.” While the group laughed thinking it was a joke, I knew differently. My husband and I saw this done in Colorado and the GOP group there fell apart. So perhaps these supposed Republicans are actually Democrats as they act like it. They certainly are NOT working to expand the Republican Party but their own need for power and control.
Bringing someone from a distance away to be a precinct captain in another town from where they live raised my awareness. I live in one of the towns and didn’t want someone from another town to be my representative here. I knew that the person named for my town would never come and introduce him or herself or work in this area to “gather” folks together to achieve common goals. I was right.
It was obvious. Those with ambition, who want control and power over people (as small as it is) were trying to take over the Ravalli County central committee. If you have ever wanted to be a precinct captain or get involved in politics, ow is the time to remove these folks and send them to their own towns to pursue their goals. Locals can handle locals.
What needs to happen is for folks in al the precincts that are Republican volunteer to become the precinct captains for their area and allow those who live outside the town to go home and work in their own area if they truly want to advance the goals of the GOP!. I doubt they do – its a more self serving effort on that part for a particular agenda that does NOT bode well for the valley.
Ed Brickey says
Helen, I will ask you to prove your allegations about the precinct captains not living in the precinct. That is a conditional requirement of being a precinct captains. In fact until you can prove that allegation I will publicly call you a liar, public apology will come from me upon proof.
Signed, Ed Brickey