Jim Crews, a Stevensville retiree, has a pretty nice recumbent three-wheeled electric bike (trike, actually) that he’s been riding around town lately. He recently started an online group called “Three Wheels of the Bitterroot” and he’s hoping to attract members who enjoy cycling, especially veterans. So far there are 29 members from all over the country.
Crews said much of his trike was provided by the Veterans Administration, but not the motor. The VA helped with the cost as a way to address Crews’ medical issues. He’s not able to ride regular bikes anymore due to chronic knee problems. He said the VA sent him to an Idaho dealer who set him up with his special tricycle. “I can get on that trike and easily ride 15 miles,” said Crews.
Crews and several other local retirees meet regularly to ride together and they recently stopped in at the Bitterroot Star. Crews, Ed Greef, Ray Hawk and Dennis Taylor enjoy riding the Bitterroot Trail together, with Taylor on his four-wheeler and the others on their three-wheelers.
Ed Greef, a former state legislator from Florence, and Ray Hawk, also a former state legislator from Florence, have ridden together for many years, first on upright standard bicycles, and later on recumbents. Greef, 81, has ridden his age in miles every year in one ride, until two years ago when he got hit while walking across the street in Helena.

Hawk said he bought a recumbent two-wheeled bike in 1992, and bought a three-wheeler “when I couldn’t keep myself upright anymore.”
“I’m looking for one now with a guy on the back who pedals,” said the eighty-one-year-old Hawk.
With Taylor at 77, Crews is the youngster of the foursome, at 66. He is trying to improve his physical condition, riding at least five miles every day. On one recent day he did 25 miles.
He said his electric trike has four different modes, calling the one for going up hills the “Lord have mercy” mode.
Greef said that the recumbents are more comfortable than they appear. “Getting off and on is a little bit of a challenge,” he said. “You have to get used to it.”
And they aren’t cheap. The least expensive might cost $600-$800 with no motor; with the motor they cost $3000-$5000.
The Bitterroot Trail, which stretches from Missoula to Hamilton alongside Hwy 93, is where they most often ride.
“Exercising and having a safe place to walk and bike – it’s a health factor for us,” said Greef. “We need the aerobic activity. The blessing that allows this to happen – 50 miles of paved path… we practically live on that trail,” said Greef. “What an absolute blessing.”
The men say that three-wheelers are ideal for the path, because there is enough room to ride safely without worrying about traffic.
The condition of the path, however, is a concern for the men who say it’s beginning to wear out.
“There’s an agreement between the state and the county, “ said Hawk, who also served as a county commissioner.
Greef said that in his last session in Helena he got a bill passed to clarify that the county is responsible for snow removal and sweeping, and the state (through Montana Dept. of Transportation) is responsible for repairs and repaving of the Bitterroot Trail. He said the current legislators are responsible for enforcing the terms of the bill.
“People should be able to go to MDT and say ‘You’re not doing your job,’’’ said Greef.
Crews, a former mayor and town council member, said it would be a good idea to start an “Adopt a Bike Trail” program where people would be responsible for picking up garbage and debris along the trail.
With their collective experience in politics, the group said they might just head to Helena to “put pressure on legislators to maintain the trail.”
Meanwhile, Crews wants to build up membership in his club. “If I see someone riding a trike, I stop them and tell them about our group.” And he encourages veterans with PTSD or other health issues to contact the Veterans Administration to see about getting a three-wheeler. “They will pay for it,” said Crews.
Anyone interested in joining can call Crews at 406-546-1102, Ray Hawk at 406-777-5120 or Ed Greef at 406-370-0581, or find the group on facebook at facebook/threewheelsofthebitterroot.