Rumble in the Root is hosted by the BitterRodders Car Club on Labor Day, which this year is Saturday, September 3. Rumble in the Root is a charity benefit Rod Run held annually every fall. The spectacular drive through the Bitterroot Valley as well as good food, games and fun along the way make this one of the largest Rod Runs around. Many participants make Rumble in the Root the recurring highlight of their season.
This year the BitterRodders Rumble in the Root has seven fun-filled stops from Lolo to Conner.
To participate in all activities including the giant poker run, register at KT’s Hayloft Saloon in Lolo between 8 – 9 a.m. Entry fee is $20 for each participant. Then drive south in any car, truck or motorcycle along with the parade of vehicles. A cruise master keeps everyone together. That’s pretty impressive, since at any given point there are 60 to 80 vehicles going by.
At each stop there is a card drawing with the best poker hands wining cash prizes of $200, $100, $50, $25, $15. There will be a split-the-pot 50/50 raffle. Stops along the way have activities for kids of all ages, spouses, friends. Everybody is welcome! You don’t even need to have a hotrod, drive whatever you have to join in this fun event.

Stops include a drive-through at The Living Centre and a stop at the NAPA store in Stevensville for fun activities; Choice Aviation at the Hamilton Airport for games; Hamilton CarQuest for lunch; “Are you Smarter than Your Mechanic” in the old K-mart parking lot, Darby Lumber for the muffler rap, 406 Saloon to toss darts for extra cards, and finally Two Rivers Bar and Casino.
All proceeds from the Rumble in the Root go only to local Bitterroot Valley charities. The club is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization always striving to do its part for the community.
BitterRodders Car Club has been hosting this since 2003 and is hoping for a good turn out this year. Enjoy a relaxed drive through the Bitterroot, play games, build a winning poker hand, and earn prizes during the BitterRodders Car Club’s Rumble in the Root, Saturday, September 3rd.
BitterRodders Car Club was formed in 1998 for the love of all things automotive. They meet on the first Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. at BJ’s Restaurant in Hamilton. Some club activities include parades, fundraisers, Show and Shine events, barbecues, brunches, poker runs annually and Cruise Nights every Thursday, May through September. Their motto is “You’re Losin’ if You Ain’t Cruisin’.”
For more information, call (406) 361-5313 or email bclif896@gmail.com.