The newly formed Stevensville Yellowjacket Hall of Fame (SYHF) is asking the community’s help in nominating and recognizing outstanding past members of Stevensville schools.
“We want to create a lasting tribute to groups and individuals who have brought honor to themselves, their school, and the Stevensville community,” said Steve Lewis, a Stevensville 5th grade teacher and SYHF committee member. “SYHF would like to showcase Yellowjacket excellence in athletics, arts, academics, and other extra-curricular activities while individuals were at Stevensville High School or in their lives after graduation from Stevensville High School.”
Plans for a Hall of Fame have been in the works for the last couple of years but the lack of an appropriate display area was standing in the way. The new school building solved that problem. Those selected to the SYHF will be displayed on the north wall of the new entrance to the high school gym.
“I always felt like this could be a great way to highlight exceptional people that have graced Stevensville Schools and our community,” said Lewis. “Infusing school pride and community pride would likely be boosted too.”
Although there is no set number of selections, up to six nominations a year will possibly be selected. A ceremony will take place following selections and notifications of families. The first ceremony will be in December of this year and there will be a sit down dinner with live auction and fundraiser, put on by the STARS foundation, to improve extra curricular facilities at the school. The nomination process will be done yearly.
Nomination forms can be picked up at Stevensville High School or online at on the homepage announcement section. A nomination form along with criteria can be accessed. The due date is August 15.