by Rick Borden, Hamilton
Ah, the signs of spring: birds chirping, green grass, showers (or perhaps snow showers) more warmth in the sun, and every other year – election years – the endless roadside and yard political signs. The latter being a not-so-welcome indicator. In my personal opinion, landscape pollution.
There has already been millions of dollars spent in the campaigns for the new Congressperson from MT. Tremendous amounts of money that predominantly fund all the signs, brochures, and media advertising. And for those of us living in the Bitterroot, countless signs promoting candidates for local and state offices.
If you were to ask any of the candidates, surely one of their top priorities would be to make life better for all of us commoners.
So how about this idea? I challenge candidates to direct anyone wishing to donate to his/her campaign; give the money to a charity that helps underprivileged individuals and families instead of the state Democratic or Republican committees or the candidate’s campaign fund.
Instead of so much money being directed to advertising of candidates, how about that money being given to your local food bank, perhaps SAFE, the Linda Massa Youth Home, Emma Watson Youth Home, Ronald McDonald House, Emma’s House in the Bitterroot, your local volunteer fire department, local library, homeless shelter, adoption agency, Shriners or Shodair hospital, etc.? Anything non-political in nature and donated in the name of the candidate you support.
Who will be the first politician to commit? Better yet, how about the Democratic and Republican state central committee chairpersons taking the lead?