by Claire L. Kelly, Stevensville
The first sentence of the 2nd Amendment begins; “A well regulated militia…” REPUBLICANS ignore the words “WELL REGULATED”, hoping their followers don’t know the 2nd Amendment presumes regulation of guns. The founding fathers used single load muskets. They never envisioned individuals owning military grade automatic weapons, and using them for their individual murderous purposes.
Racist REPUBLICANS and their allies like Tucker Carlson undermine domestic tranquility by motivating bigots with cries of white “replacement.” Jesus Christ, His entire earthly family, and all His apostles were brown skinned, and Jewish.
I have survived two nighttime home invasions, have owned guns my entire adult life, and was a hunter. I am an INDEPENDENT. As the slaughter of 19 little children was happening, the REPUBLICAN Gov of Texas remained at his fundraising party. Neither he, nor the junior TX REPUBLICAN Senator (Cruz), nor the serial adulterer, tax cheat REPUBLICAN former President canceled their plans to attend an NRA convention in TX, three days after the slaughter of these 19 beautiful babies.
When he finally publicly addressed the slaughter, the REPUBLICAN Gov of TX all but accused that suffering community of having extensive mental problems. He did not add that he had recently redirected mental health care funds to his own re-election purposes. He insulted NYC, Chicago and the state of CA, but did not admit that guns are trafficked into these places from neighboring REPUBLICAN controlled RED states and from REPUBLICAN controlled Confederate states.
Fascist REPUBLICAN Governors of FL and other states, REPUBLICANS in Congress, and some local elected REPUBLICANS are cut from the same cloth. The husband of a REPUBLICAN State Senator for Ravalli County was identified amongst the rioters on the Capitol steps on Jan. 6th. Manzella confessed to the media that she knew three carloads of persons left Ravalli County to join that deadly insurrection. A huge campaign sign at the intersection of the Eastside Hwy and Ambrose for REPUBLICAN State House 88 candidate, Lackey, includes a huge banner: “Manzella endorsed.” That alone makes Lackey unacceptable.
Ten years ago, 20 beautiful babies were slaughtered in a Connecticut elementary school. Will good Americans today finally step up and compel an end to the mass murders in our schools, stores, houses of worship, concerts, theaters, etc. etc. Dear Lord, I hope so.
Helen Sabin says
Gomez – I took an oath to uphold the Constitution and as such even though I disagree with many rulings from Scotus I stick to my oath even if at times I have to hold my nose by doing so.
The Second amendment codifies our gun rights and Biden and Company are trying to trample them as liberals often do – the Constitution what’s that? Remember when Obama said he was “constrained by the Constitution?”
As such, until we get rid of the activist judges on all benches and including SCOTUS we follow the rules as set forth currently in law in terms of “how do you get to buy guns today” I have no way of changing these rules so your question is moot. and your thinking is incorrect also.
The answer is if you go to a store or gun show, or order online, you are checked by the NICS system to see if you have something in your background that would prohibit you from owning a gun. IF you do NOT, then you can buy one. That is the law currently. IF YOU do NOT like it change it but please stop thinking that anyone can simply walk into a gun store, plunk down cash and buy a gun. IT doesn’t work that way, UNLESS…. you buy one of Obama’s guns that he trafficked when he was POTUS – remember Fast and Furious? But then you would be buying from the black market? But if you buy that way you are breaking the law – aren’t you? Stop with the liberal nonsense of which you spout – it AIN’T true!
Gomez says
“Please stop thinking that anyone can simply walk into a gun store, plunk down cash and buy a gun.”
I never said that and I never implied that.. For the forth time, I asked you IF it should be legal for anyone to purchase a fully automatic machine gun. You used a whole lot of words and did a whole lot of hand waving to avoid answering that direct question.
There is no point continuing this discussion any longer if you are unwilling to be an honest interlocutor.
Have a nice day.
Gomez says
Helen. The rifle of which you speak was of such a fantastical design in 1777 that he never was able to demonstrate that it actually worked, nor was he able to even sell a single one to either the United States or Britain.. It was a pipe dream, not a reality.. He might as well been trying to convince them to buy light sabers.
“The Belton flintlock was a repeating flintlock design using superposed loads, conceived by Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, resident Joseph Belton some time prior to 1777. The musket design was offered by Belton to the newly formed Continental Congress in 1777. Belton wrote that the musket could fire eight rounds with one loading, and that he could support his claims “by experimental proof.] Belton failed to sell the musket to Congress, and later was unable to sell the design to the British Army a year after the American Revolution.[1] There are no records that indicate that the gun was ever supplied, and it is uncertain if or how exactly the Belton improvement operated”
Helen Sabin says
GOMEZ – I also suggest that you get a copy of John Lott’s More Guns Less Crime, and read the research that fists and feet kill more than guns. And Bolton could NOT sell the gun to congress due to the cost. Unlike Biden’s congress and many in the past who waste money, the founding fathers and the congresses after them DID NOT do so. Thus we are over 100 TRillion in debt – not just the 20 or so bandied about today.
I suggest you go to wikipedia and read about REPEATING FIREARMS and all the guns since the 1300’s and educate yourself. If you have never been to the NRA museum go sometime. Their collection of guns – old guns – is amazing.
Thanks for responding and help educate people who are anti-gun and think that more laws is the solution to gun violence. Baltimore, NYC, CA and other cities who are plagued by this problem often elect fools and idiots as in NYC recently and who can’t solve the problem with more laws and wonder why. Guiliani did and we need more like him. I LOVE our Sheriff….we need more like him too and his attitude toward guns and freedom. Something that David Welch doesn’t seem to appreciate nor you if you advocate for removing guns from law abiding gun owners.
Gomez says
A simple question; Do you believe that anyone should be able to walk into a sporting goods store without any sort of ID or background check and be able to walk out with a fully automatic machinegun?
A “Yes” would show that you are craven and indifferent to human life.
A “No” would show that even you believe that there should be some type of regulation involving what kind of firearms are available to the general public and who is allowed to purchase them. You & I just differ on some of the minor details.
So, which is it?
HSabin says
Gomez, people can not not not, walk into a gun store and buy a gun without a background check. Go try to do so at any of the gun dealers here in the valley . Then report back to us. Oh wait you won’t and can’t. So that shows you up for being ignorant and someone who knows nothing about gun laws. Tell you what Gomez, call the sheriffs office and ask them for the Hamilton police department and ask them. Then tell us what they told you.
Gomez says
That’s not what I asked you. I asked SHOULD it be legal? Well, should it be or are you in favor of some firearm regulations?
Helen Sabin says
Gomez and other anti-gunners: I saw a movie years ago where only the police and the military had guns. IT was called, SCHINDLER’s LIST.
Ever see it?
Gomez says
Again, that’s not what I asked you. For the third time;
Do you believe that anyone should be able to walk into a sporting goods store without any sort of ID or background check and be able to walk out with a fully automatic machinegun?
Again. I know that it’s not legal, but do you think it SHOULD be, or do you believe that some sort of regulations regarding who can own firearms and what type should be available to the general public is reasonable and prudent?
A simple yes or no will suffice.
PS. Yes, of course I know the history of the holocaust, and if you think that untrained civilians armed with rifles .and pistols would ever have a chance of repelling a trained army equipped with artillery, tanks and other heavy munitions you are simply living in a fantasy world.
Alan says
I think it prudent to address why there are people committing these atrocities, not the weapons they use. An AR-15 is certainly not an “assault” rifle, anymore then a semi-auto hunting rifle is. Banning guns simply means the criminals are armed and the law abiding citizen is not. Meth is a banned drug, yet it can be found in every street corner in America. We have more gun laws now then at any point in American history, yet we never had this many school shootings? Why? What is going on here? Those are the realities we need to deal with and ponder, not silly useless gun control nonsense.
Bill Stroud says
Ok, let’s take your statement “We have more gun laws now then at any point in American history, yet we never had this many school shootings?” Now, replace ‘gun laws’ with ‘guns’.
“Why? What is going on here?”
State gun laws don’t impede someone crossing into another state for purchasing. Geez, nice try. Seriously…you got some serious NRA wordplay going there.
Alan says
Actually the background check is federal and must be done prior to purchase no matter if you crossed state lines or not. Secondly, you can only purchases a handgun if you are a resident of the state you are purchasing it in.
Alan says
Actually the background checks are federal law and required no matter what state you purchase a weapon in. Secondly, handguns can only be sold in the state in which you reside.
Bill Stroud says
Claire, great summation. All one needs to do is follow the $$$. The NRA has degenerated into a movement motivated by greed. Along with the gun lobby they’ve been successful in subverting the 2nd Amendment in order to create an army of gun fetish psychopaths. All this to get them to give up their hard earned. “They’re gonna take yer guns.” Yup, it’s just that simple.
The irony, which is probably lost on people like Helen, is that ex pres T Rump actually loathes his followers. All he wants is their $$$ and their vote. People like Wayne LaPierre, Cruz, Carlson, Gianforte, etc., etc., etc. could care less about your rights unless it infringes on their power and greed.
BIll says
Can’t tell you hate Republicans lol!!
If you think taking away the rights of law abiding citizens is a good idea. You are insane. If you think someone who has no other purpose then to murder people isn’t going to find a way to do it. You are insane. How many serial killers use a firearm??
You don’t want to own a firearm? Then don’t! Stay in your lane and us “racist republicans” will just go around you! Infringing on our rights is not okay. You are worried about death by firearms but support murdering unborn human beings?
Helen Sabin says
Claire – here is point one in your misinformation, biased, undocumented, article above: The founding fathers never envisioned guns that we have today? OMG – go get some education behind you please!
1. George Washington: “Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself.”
“They are the American people’s liberty teeth
and keystone under independence.
The church, the prairie wagon and citizen’s firearms are indelibly related.”
“From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day,
events, occurrences, and tendencies prove
that to insure peace, security, and happiness,
the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable.”
“Every corner of this land knows firearms,
and more than 99 99/100 percent of them
by their silence indicate they are in safe and sane hands.”
2. Thomas Jefferson: “I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.”
It seems that you do NOT know of what you speak and you don’t, so why should we waste our time reading your misinformation? We won’t. Go get some knowledge behind you and then come back and opine as you make yourself look foolish and ignorant which you are.
Claire Kelly says
Typical right wing strategy. If you cannot factually contest what another says – launch personal attacks and insults at the person speakling.
Becky says
You are the one launching personal attacks. I’m a Republican (not rino) . You have insulted and made judgement that you are completely clueless about when it comes to most Republicans.
Helen Sabin says
No Claire – YOU cannot stand that you speak with no knowledge, and when someone posts facts and statements that prove YOU are wrong, you get insulted. Instead go get education or check what you say with sources from the web. Then folks might listen to you rather than point out your lack of evidence. Now you know that the founding fathers DID ike guns. How do you think the American revolution was won? Bows and arrows?
Gomez says
First, none of your comments actually address Claire’s post and main point, which is that the Founding Fathers did not, and could not have envisioned the type of firearms that would be available to untrained, unskilled, unstable and largely unregulated civilians today.
Secondly, Two questions;; One. At the time George Washington spoke those words, how many rounds a minute could a skilled, trained rifleman fire?
Two. Using the type of rifle that is available to anyone today that walks into a sporting goods store with a credit card, how many rounds a minute can an unskilled, untrained person fire?
I know the answers, do you?
Helen Sabin says
GOMEZ – Uh OH – you are going to look foolish in your statement above. read this and weep:
Look at the “advanced” weapons that were evolving way back when. Now I suggest YOU educate yourself as you are digging that proverbial hole and making yourself look ridiculous. And you do NOT know how many Americans are untrained, unregulated? Have you ever tried to buy a gun online? Hmmm. NO you haven’t or you would know the laws about the misinformation you stated.
Helen Sabin says
Historical timeline of the development of modern weapons starting at 1364 with the first recorded use of a firearm and ending in 1892 with the introduction of automatic handguns. 1364 – First…
Gomez – go look up JOSEPH BOLTON who in 1777 BEFORE THE BILL OF RIGHTS was even written had proposed to congress that they purchase his REPEATING RIFLE that fired 16 rounds in 22 seconds.
The founding father not only knew about “modern guns” they perpetuated their development.
Now don’t YOU look ridiculously uninformed? YES you do as you opine about that which you know nothing about. Please go learn so I don’t have to waste my time educating ignorant anti-gunners like you. Thanks for your understanding.
Claire Kelly says
How heart breaking. The very day my letter was printed, yet another deadly mass shooting with an automatic weapon. , This time in Oklahoma, at a hospital. . Again, an individual murderous motive, having nothing to do with 2nd Amendment protections for a Well Regulated Militia. .
Helen Sabin says
Was it an auto weapon? What kind? Full auto? Semi-auto? What?
David Welch says
The killer used an AR-15 style semiautomatic rifle that you helped him buy. He bought the weapon earlier in the day legally at a local gun shop. His only intent for the weapon was to kill another human being. And you helped him buy it.
No current law prevented him from purchasing the weapon. No currently proposed laws – even if enacted – will prevent someone like him from doing the exact same thing in the future.
And that is because you want it that way.
Helen Sabin says
Who is the YOU, YOU state in your post? And an AR style? Is it an AR or not?
If current laws did NOT prevent him buying the gun, then he had NO RECORD to stop him. To buy a gun you must have a NICS check to purchase a gun. Did this guy have any mental problems? Was there a record of them? Looking up his history indeed he and his family did. Why was he not stopped? Talk to the Uvalde city council, police and legislators!
Melva Neal says
This is why people need to vote for Wayne Rusk thank you
Tim says
Wayne Rusk took $48,000 in campaign funds from an out of state grouping pushing the Con/Con which MrRusk has openly stated he is in favor of. Opening the Constitution up could very well end the 2nd Amendment.
Helen Sabin says
TIM – Rusk has NEVER said he is in “favor” of Article V and YOU know it. The most I could get from him was, “I am thinking about it. I have to learn what historians and others have to say before I vote on it. I am learning by reading many different opinions.” Nor has Alan Lackey either so stop with your misinformation. Instead tell us why we should vote for YOUR candidate of choice.
Hsabin says
Rusk is not in-favor of a con con. Do you even know what is? Stop with your nonsense.