Corvallis County Sewer District Public Comment and Review of Environmental Review
The Corvallis County Sewer District will hold a public hearing on June 28, 2022 at 6:30 PM, Wastewater Treatment Building at East 1st Street beyond the Corvallis Mobile Village, Corvallis Montana for the purpose of obtaining comments regarding the environmental review record for the proposed Wastewater Collection and Treatment Improvement project that will rehabilitate School Lift Station, rehabilitate and/or replace portions of the collection system and forcemain, rehabilitation and improve wastewater treatment including potential sludge removal, headworks screening, inter-lagoon piping, aeration equipment replacement, and effluent disinfection.
At the public hearing the proposed project will be explained, including the purpose and proposed area of the project, activities, budget, possible sources of funding, any costs that may result for local citizens as a result of the project, and a decision will be made on the environmental assessment. All interested persons will be given the opportunity to ask questions and express opinions regarding the proposed project and any environmental impacts.
Comments may be given orally at the meeting or submitted in writing before July 28, 2022 at 5:00 pm.
Anyone wanting to review the environmental review record and project impacts or submit questions and comments should contact Aaron McConkey at Morrison-Maierle via email or 406-542-8880. Copies of the draft environmental record is available at Corvallis County Wastewater Treatment Office at 1st Street East, Corvallis, MT and will also be available at the public meeting.
Corvallis County Sewer District
BS 6-22-22.