Reiki Master Kathryn Snyder is the owner of Angel’s Landing Energy Healing Center in Stevensville.
Snyder was raised in Connecticut and after graduating from college migrated west with her children to be closer to family. Snyder worked in the financial world for over 30 years, utilizing her degrees in business and accounting, with a minor in psychology and a masters in leadership and organizational studies. “I’m very left brain, I’m a numbers person,” she says.
But in 2015, a personal tragedy set her on a different path when her 15-year-old grandson was killed. “I felt totally lost,” says Snyder. “I was looking for an outlet to heal myself from the grief and the pain.”
Her horoscope mentioned “Reiki” (pronounced ray-kee). Kathryn found a shaman who did Shamanic Reiki healing. After her productive sessions with the shaman, Snyder signed up to study to learn Reiki techniques and eventually became a Reiki master. She furthered her studies and attained the level of Shamanic Reiki Master.
She and her husband left California in 2017 and traveled the country in their RV, looking at Idaho, Wyoming and Montana as potential places to settle, and finally choosing Stevensville as the spot. Snyder has an office in her home and also shares space with some other providers.
According to Snyder, Reiki is the channeling of a universal life energy that flows through all of us. She is trained to channel that energy through herself to her clients. There are seven major energy fields in the human body, called chakras, says Snyder. “Dis-ease in the body blocks those chakras. When someone comes to me, I do a Reiki healing to unblock their energies.” She adds, “A person has to be open to receive this.”

“The awareness that an unseen energy flows through all living things and directly affects the quality of a person’s health has been part of the wisdom of many cultures since ancient times,” states a pamphlet describing Reiki that Snyder uses in her business. “This life energy goes by many names: qi in China, ki in Japan, and prana in India. The ancient Hawaiians called it ti or ki. It has also been called orgone energy and elan vital, and science refers to it as biofield energy.
“When your life energy is low it is more difficult to deal with stress, you may not sleep well, and you’re more susceptible to illness. When your life energy is strong, you feel strong, can more easily deal with stress, and are less likely to get sick. Reiki is a technique that increases a person’s supply of life energy.”
Reiki is administered through the hands of the practitioner with the client lying fully clothed on a massage table. A session usually lasts between 45 minutes to an hour. Snyder says she puts her hands on the client “with a very light touch.” She says her hands “get really warm” as the energy passes through to the client.
“A Reiki session feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that surrounds and fills the client and includes feelings of relaxation, peace and well-being that also promote healing,” according to the pamphlet. “People gain a sense of peace and tranquility,” says Snyder.
Snyder says the sessions can be very helpful for many physical and emotional issues such as stress, fear and anxiety, etc. “I’m an intuitive empath,” says Snyder. “I can pick up things during a session.”
Snyder said that one thing she’s noticed is that people don’t take the time for themselves to attend to their own needs. “Stress affects you not just physically, but also your spirit. Mind, body, and spirit – everything’s connected. I can help people feel better. I’m not a doctor and I’m not a miracle worker. I am an energy worker and have had a lot of successful sessions with clients.”
Reiki is becoming increasingly popular with the medical community, with over 800 hospitals across the U.S. offering Reiki as a standard part of hospital care. A recent study showed that Reiki improved patient sleep, reduced pain, reduced nausea, and reduced anxiety during pregnancy. Nurses have reported that Reiki helps patients heal faster with less pain, reduces stress and improves mental attitude, improves appetite, and reduces the side effects of chemotherapy, radiation and other medical procedures.
Snyder is also a certified spiritual life coach. “I can help people figure out what they need to do to achieve their higher self,” says Snyder. “A lot of people have suffered various forms of trauma. I can relate to that and help them deal with it. I’m a facilitator. I listen, I suggest. But people have to want to make a change.”

Snyder says her abilities are coming to her through the universe. “It’s not me – I’m just the vessel… I want to be that beacon of light out in the world. This path is never-ending. I want to be the best version of myself.”
If you’re feeling out of sync, not balanced or centered, and you just can’t pinpoint exactly what’s wrong, maybe Snyder can help. “I believe the universe will send me the people who need me,” she says. Are you one of those people?
Snyder can be contacted at 406-303-0014.