by Claire L. Kelly, Stevensville
The FIRST sentence of the FIRST Amendment to our Constitution says: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…
I believe one issue relevant to the abortion controversy has not received the attention it deserves – the originalist prohibition of government advancing particular religious beliefs. Granted, the founding fathers only mentioned Congress, but I have no doubt they intended this prohibition to apply to all of government, including the judiciary and to the States, not then fully evolved.
When Roe v Wade was first enacted, national leaders of Evangelical Churches publicly declared they were not taking a stand because this was “a Catholic issue.” The Catholic Church has always had an anti-abortion stand based on its theology. When I was a child, that Church banned abortion at “quickening” – which is vague, and varies from one woman to the next. Currently that Church, now joined by many Evangelical Churches, asserts that human life, a person with an immortal soul, begins at conception. Whichever, this is still theology. It is still a religious belief, not backed by science or provable fact.
It is worth noting that four of the Supreme Court Justices, Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch and Barrett, are Catholics. It seems to me that their positions on abortion are more in support of their Church’s theology than the First sentence of the First Amendment, and therefore absolutely unconstitutional.
I support the rule of law. I support every person’s right to the free exercise of their own religious beliefs, as long as their theology, joined by government actions, does not infringe on the lawful rights of others.
Bill McNulty says
your observation or concept of science needs to be updated! the heart beats, the baby feels and the soul lives in the unborn. read the data.. Bless the babys
Gomez says
Is the fetus viable outside the womb the moment a heartbeat is detected?
Kevin OBrien says
To think these “Great Scientists” are willing to call Mold growing on Mars as a Life? Sad how some people think about unborn.
Helen Sabin says
Bill – what is “the soul?” Please explain.
KMc says
The LGBTQ community is already under attack by fear-filled right-wing christo-fascists who have managed to do the impossible by weaponizing Jesus.
Jesus says
It has surprised me, too, how awful people like Helen, Becky and the rest of that lot have so thoroughly trashed the reputations of both me and my Dad. Sigh.
Gomez says
Jesus, we’re so glad that you finally showed up! They’ve been looking for you forever, even on pieces of toast and in stains on concrete patios in Mexico. Glad you made it!
Helen Sabin says
Reply to Jesus: Please explain how we “trashed” your dad please. And which dad is that?
Jesus says
There is a pretty clear pattern on display here in the pages of the Star. Atheists are far more knowledgeable about Dad’s trilogy ( Torah, New Testament, Koran ) than most of the Jews, Christians and Muslims who worship him! Imagine that?!?
It is more than a little embarrassing for me. My team ( the Christians ) especially needs to pick up it’s game.
So Christian brethren, please; I’m begging you. Stop listening to the preachers, pundits and money changers among you and go to the source. Read the damn books for yourselves! All of them.
And don’t take things on faith. Think and come to your own conclusions. Remember that free will thing Dad gave you? Use it.
I know I’m breaking protocol here; talking to all Dad’s children directly. But he and I agree that things have to change or all you believers ( and us, too! ) will no longer be relevant in a modern world.
Weaponizing Jesus? How about domesticating Jesus, in order to try to have his teachings ignored to support your agenda? Christ was clear in teachings not only by what He said but what He didn’t say. You may not realize that Jesus and both His parents Joseph and Mary were righteous and devout Orthodox Jews. Homosexuality was never accepted , encouraged or silently tolerated. These are facts.
The Gospel writers all expected the reader to be as familiar with Jewish Scripture and Canon as they were because the salvific mission of Christ was foretold by the prophets. As such, Christ as Messiah, had His history told and recorded in the Gospels and what latter became the New Testament 350 years after His earthly birth. They were written solely to convey the Old Testament Covenant was now superceded by the New Covenant opened to all humanity forever.
Jesus was indeed a weapon. A device of light and eternal truths in a darkened world of sin and certain death. Personally , I condemn no one, but behaviors are openly displayed that are unacceptable to people of faith. Christ was also THE weapon of justice, and equal standing of slave and free, women and men, Jews and Gentiles because He not only created them in His image and likeness but is constantly extending His hand in friendship to those who love HIM and follow his word.
This isn’t weaponization; it is salvation earned for us through His selfless expression of love and sacrifice. You are free to reject Him and His love because He gives each one of us free will to chose Him or the world.
We are all sinners of one kind or another but His love is reflected by those who serve others regardless of who they are or what they do. He voice is very clear; If you love me, you will obey my word. This is what we should all aspire to, myself included.
Gomez says
Since we do not live in a theocracy, none of your personal faith beliefs are relevant. If we allow your version of Christianity into public policy and law, we would have to also allow other people’s versions of Christianity in, not to mention all other religions. Would you like Muslims to create public policy and law based on their faith beliefs? How about Pagans, or the Westboro Baptist Church, or even members of the Satanic Temple?
Keep church and state separate.
Jesus says
Brother Phil,
“… the Old Testament Covenant was now superseded by the New Covenant…”. Not true.
What I said was… “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them. For I tell you truly, until heaven and earth pass away, not a single jot, not a stroke of a pen, will disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. So then, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do likewise will be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever practices and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.”. ( Mathew 5:17-19 )
I don’t think I could be any more clear than that. The notion of a “New Covenant” promulgated by misguided Evangelicals is bogus!
Gomez says
Thank you Jesus. Not to mention, to do away w/the Old Testament would mean they’d also have to do away with the Ten Commandments, the creation story & the flood story. If you lose the creation story you lose Adam & Eve, which means you’d also lose original sin, the very reason for you being sacrificed in the first place… At least that’s the way the story goes.
Gomez says
To be clear, this overreach will not end here. Next up will be an assault on the LBGTQ community followed by attempts to even more weasel Christianity into our schools and government. The Christian Taliban has arrived.