Bitterroot Health is pleased to announce that David “Dave” Nolan, PA-C, is joining the Orthopedic & Sports Medicine team. Nolan is well known in Ravalli County from his prior experience providing orthopedic care with Ravalli Orthopedics & Sports Medicine.
“My career began in the fires of miliary medicine 25 years ago. Since then, I’ve been providing high level orthopedics utilizing modern techniques and I look forward to continuing in this level of care with Bitterroot Health,” said Nolan.
While in the Army, Nolan worked alongside the British Armed Forces in Ethiopia and Kenya, providing medical support to local indigenous tribes. “Although some of the tribes wanted to kill us, most everyone else was willing to give their lives to protect us while we provided medical care. Seeing the willingness these folks had to give everything just for basic medical care was nothing short of inspiring,” Nolan said.
An avid hiker and outdoorsman, Nolan understands the frustrations of physical injuries and limitations.
“What I love about working in orthopedics, has been meeting people who’ve been incapacitated and helping them restore function and get back to their usual activities,” said Nolan.
This coming September, Dr. Joel Walthall, will join the Orthopedic & Sports Medicine team as well. Walthall grew up in Bozeman and is currently completing his fellowship at Taos Orthopedic and looks forward to returning to Montana and working closely with Nolan.
“As the valley has grown, we’re seeing an increased need for many of our specialties, especially orthopedics,” said Kim Suckow, Senior Director of Physician Services for Bitterroot Health. “We’re elated this team is growing and look forward to having Dave start next week. He knows the valley well, he is highly regarded by his patients and sincerely cares about helping people,” said Suckow.
To learn more about BH Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, please visit: bitterroothealth.org/ORTHO. To schedule an appointment with Dave Nolan, please call (406) 375-4868 or request an appointment online:bitterroothealth.org/visit