Ed Higgins, from the Montana Legal Services Association (MLSA) is coming to the North Valley Public Library in Stevensville on Wednesday, May 11, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. to help celebrate Law Day.
“The Constitution is a dynamic document, as it not only outlines a blueprint for government, but also delegates power, articulates rights, and offers mechanisms for change. It is neither perfect, nor exhaustive, as our nation’s history makes clear. Legislation, court rulings, amendments, lawyers, and ‘we the people’ have built upon those original words across generations to attempt to make the ‘more perfect Union’ more real. That effort continues today, as contemporary leaders and everyday citizens raise their voices as loud as ever to fulfill the promise of the Constitution. Defining and refining those words of the Constitution might be our oldest national tradition, and how each of us works—together—toward a more perfect Union.” – American Bar Association
Higgins will be speaking about the law in general, with specific reference to the Constitution as well as where you can obtain legal assistance and how to choose a lawyer. He will not be able to provide individual legal advice at this presentation.
Higgins is a 2000 graduate of the University of Montana School of Law. Upon graduation, Higgins served as Judicial Staff Attorney for the Honorable John W. Larson. Higgins has spent the last 21 years serving low and moderate income clients at MLSA. In 2016, Higgins won the George L. Bousliman Professionalism Award from the Montana State Bar for his work setting up a structured pro bono program for the Northwest Montana Bar Association and for his work creating easy-to-use forms for self-represented litigants with the Access to Justice Commission.
If you have an interest in the law, or wish to know more about where you can go when in need of legal advice, attend this presentation on Wednesday, May 11 at 6 p.m.
Register on the website at northvalleylibrary.org.
The North Valley Public Library is located at 208 Main Street, Stevensville. For more information, call the library at 406-777-5061.