by Layna Lyons, Hamilton
I have watched my property tax grow faster than my income. Good marketers will tell you it will be only 1 mill and it will only cost you this many $$ for every one hundred thousand dollars of property value. Well, you all know we have also watched our market go through a massive inflation over the past few months. This is great for a seller, but the requests for tax dollars is going to be a burden on all property owners.
Voters in Ravalli County voted in favor of a Bitterroot College! But they did not vote to fund this college.
We now have voters wanting to have a local college but there is no money. I personally attended a few classes at the college over the years and I do not think that it was ever an overwhelming success. The opportunities to attend a full University is only 42 miles away, there are many opportunities to attend and get a degree using online technology. I have also used this method and it can be successful.
I am now hearing that the Community College Foundation is now asking the taxpayers of Ravalli County to have another PERMANENT TAX INCREASE IN THE AMOUNT OF $900,000 PER YEAR FOR EVER!
As I understand they will no longer be using the Westview School Building to house said college. Will this new tax levy be used to build a building for the college, and pay for the administration?
Spiker Communications in Missoula has been hired by the Community College Foundation to blanket Ravalli County citizens with ads for the College Levy that is being proposed on the May 3rd mail-in ballot.
How many of you are wondering how you are going to put gas in your car and buy groceries to feed your family? Another tax increase is not going to help do that for you.
I am for education but if you want a Community College in the Bitterroot, find a way to fund it with those who will be using the facility, not the citizens who are already taxed to a breaking point. Property Taxes and the current inflation is hurting all our residents. Whether they are on a fixed income or renting, needing to work several jobs just to exist, we cannot keep raising taxes to fund every project!
This levey is permanent – $900,000 a year! Plase vote NO for this levy and NO to higher taxes.
Helen Sabin says
I too voted NO for many reasons. My husband and I have been researching the Bitterroot College as it seems like it is going broke right now due to low enrollment and the Bitterroot Valley Community College which would be the follow on school if the levy passes.
. The courses offered at the college now are often cancelled due to lack of interest. We are NOT told the truth by certain Trustees when they speak at events as we have researched the minutes, reports, budgets, etc that we can find to ascertain if the COMMUNITY COLLEGE stands a chance of being successful. The current one is in DIRE FINANCIAL STRAITS according to the college minutes.
We voted for the college DISTRICT and that remains. When WE the taxpayers are ready, we can get the college started up and be proud of it. RIGHT NOW – the BVCC is a disaster and I voted NO based on all the information we collected and from taking to the Trustees. Go read the minutes at the Bitterroot Valley Community website and you will see what I mean! VOTE NO!
Paul goeltz says
Also agree and voted no
Lance Broshar says
Layna Lyons – I agree with you. I too voted No.