by Doug Bohn, Victor
Many Republicans consider themselves “Reagan Republicans” though their actions show they are Republicans in the vein of the Bushes and Carl Rove. They helped usher in the Uni-party. This claim of being a “Republican” is as weak as today’s Democrats claiming to be “Kennedy Democrats” while supporting the current radical agenda. Today’s GOP recently raised billions to investigate the fraudulent 2020 election. Yet, this GOP branch of the D.C. UNI-PARTY has spent ZERO dollars to pursue election integrity. If you are unaware of the disastrous results this lack of integrity produces, look to Mesa County, Colorado, the State of Pennsylvania, the states of Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin. The obstructions to securing our election system are purposely constructed by “Reagan” REPUBLICANS!
How do you know if you are electing this type of REPUBLICAN? The result is winning elections while AMERICANS LOSE OUR COUNTRY. How ya doing? There is a new, strong heart of the Republican party. One that produced record-breaking in U.S. history vote totals for a sitting President. “AMERICA FIRST!” This true American spirit, which threatens the power structure constructed over the past thirty years, is facing tremendous resistance from the Old-guard, both locally and nationally.
To Sue McCreary: In our Republic, THE PEOPLE are the masters, ALL officials are SERVANTS. I note Sue quoted our cherished DECLARATION, yet she stopped short of the foundational PURPOSE OF OUR GOVERNMENT, “That to SECURE THESE RIGHTS, Governments are instituted among men.”
To Representative David Bedey: your published statements ring of “It can never happen here!” David, respectfully, look around, how many things that you once believed would never happen here, are now commonplace? Just in the last year, we have lived with a Government that believes it is their right to mandate experimental injections, and ban W.H.O certified “ESSENTIAL” medications. All while violating every standard of International Law codified in the Nuremberg Code. Today, the government believes it has the right to remove ALL ANONYMITY from our financial transactions through a “digital dollar.” It is high-time to stand our ground. To believe that it can never happen here, or as you say, “let it go” is NOT AN OPTION if we are to restore our Republic.
To Candidate Rusk: The Tenth amendment of the Constitution clearly states, ”The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” A) Delegated means surrendered. B) Reserved means retained. This Amendment makes clear that our founders certainly understood that our country was, and is, “a union of independent States,” made up of “a free and independent people” whose CONSENT is REQUIRED to grant the Federal Government ANY power. Therefore, refusing (i.e. to nullify) an unconstitutional order, mandate or law is required of a free people to preserve their rights and remain free. Our founders repeatedly warned us, Government, by nature, is the enemy of freedom. This is the point behind Ben Franklin’s statement; “If you can keep it.”
As stated earlier, the PRIMARY, often sworn, duty of every U.S. government official, whether elected or appointed, is to protect and defend the rights of United States citizens. If we want to prevent our State from becoming another uni-party State, we MUST elect people with courage and spines of steel. There is one candidate in this election cycle with these qualifications. Whose beliefs are clearly defined, unwavering and not “political.”
His name is Alan Lackey. Listen to him speak, answering tough questions. His direct approach is a result of conviction to his beliefs and his informed understanding of the critical issues facing us today. You will recognize, as I did, that his core beliefs are held close-to-the-heart. It will become obvious that this is not his campaign speech, it is simply how he lives. You won’t worry about how Alan will represent you behind closed doors because, and here I agree with Sue McCreary, Alan is NOT a politician. He is a true AMERICAN.
ELECT ALAN LACKEY for HD 88! He will fight for your rights on the front line. Send him! He will serve.
Linda schmitt says
Alan Lackey espouses “nullification,” which translates into tge state rejecting all federal funds. Brilliant. Take us right back to the stone age, only with guns. Reject Alan Lackey, absolutely.
I have listen to Mr. Lackey speak on the issues and his passion for the Constitution and America. He is genuinely a Patriot and worthy of being in State Govt representing “we the people”.
I’m voting for Alan