by Mike and Tari Conroy, Darby
The results are in… What a bluegrass festival it was in Victor. People said they loved the new location, with many jamming rooms, and a more intimate feel. We had tons of musicians performing great music on stage. We signed up 14 new memberships, 30 renewals, and grossed over $3800. The Neely Center was packed with bluegrass lovers most of the day, oftentimes with standing room only. This year we were FLOODED with folks offering to help set up the sound system, sell food, take tickets and anything else that needed done. Folks brought great desserts and many helped with the tear-down, clean-up, and loading stuff in our cars. Susan McCauley ran the kitchen and Anne Merrifield ran the tickets and merchandise sales. What a wonderful association this is. We can’t thank you enough.