by Dirk Revson, Victor
Before voting on the BVCC levy, here are a few things to consider. We are talking about nearly one million dollars being spent to help a very small number of students. Is this a wise use of our tax dollars? Since most of the money will be spent on “administrators”, many of whom will be overpaid figureheads doing little if any actual work, I have to say no.
Another factor to consider is that the dropout rate for junior colleges is ridiculously high, meaning that a large percentage of our tax dollars are wasted on people who never finish a degree or certificate program.
Perhaps the biggest consideration is the condition of the facilities, which is poor at best. If you pass this tax, hold on to your shorts, because next they will tell you about the “need” for a brand new “state of the art” facility.
We are talking about tens of millions of dollars to help a very small number of people. The BVCC is a financial disaster just waiting to happen. There are local and on-line options available to meet the needs of most people and commuting to Missoula two or three days a week is not that great a burden.
If you agree that this is not the best use of our taxes, then please vote no on the BVCC levy, and let’s stop this fiasco before it’s too late.
John Grant says
How about a fact check on your assertion that “most” of the Bitterroot Community College Budget will be spent on “administrators”, “many of whom will figureheads to little if any actual work”.
First you are dead wrong as to the allocation of the budget line item for administration and secondly your disparagement of people in the role of administration is without ANY justification or factual basis.
You are FULLY entitled to your opinion about the college, the costs associated with it and the benefits provides to Ravalli County.
You are NOT entitled to just make up comments to suit your preconceived opinions.
Ground your opinions on facts that would indicate you have actually done the work to reach an informed opinion.