by Joseph G Gallagher Jr, Stevensville
There are two names that I have seen on posters throughout District 88 who are running to represent the people of that district in our State’s Legislature. I would hope that the two candidates running for that position would provide their resumes of their education, their qualifications and experience for that office. Moreover, it is important to know how each candidate will represent the people of District 88 to foster more opportunity and better services for that district so that an educational judgement can be made on which candidate will be the most qualified to represent that district. It would also be important for the voters of District 88 to know each candidate’s position on the BVCC levy that will be voted on May 3, 2022.
Helen Sabin says
You have two good men running for that district. Wayne has said he is a true conservative. He is not for nullification which apparently Alan has said he is. He wants to redo the government. I can’t verify this as I haven’t talk to him or Terri lately but I have read that he wants to get rid of Congress, replace it with two people from every county in the United States. That’s utter nonsense. Can you imagine 6000 some people trying to run this country? Wayne is criticized for supposedly being someone who would vote with the Dems or go along with them. He has said he would not. Alan has set up a group to help people in the valley. He calls them his militia and they deliver medicine and wood to people in need. It’s a crapshoot for you, but what I would suggest is going to a Friday afternoon at noon pachyderm meeting at the frontier café in Stevensville. Both men usually show up there. Wayne was the vice president and gave up the position to run for this house district. Alan is the founder of the stand for liberty group who meets on Monday nights at the Fort Owen in. You could also go there to talk to him. Good luck in your choice but whichever one wins I think HD 88 will be well represented. Period
Becky says
Nullification is not just what the 10th Amendment tells us to do. Montana used it to legalize marijuana. Imagine that!!