by Barbara McNey, Hamilton
I’m angry that some hate-mongers sent an unsolicited letter to my mailbox blaspheming Between the Worlds as well as people (created by God) who are not “straight” They were too cowardly to put their name and return address on the envelope. If they truly believed in the God they say they do, they would know that God would protect them from evil people like me (LOL) who would know where they live. They need to read the Bible where it says “Judge not lest ye be judged” and “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” They also need to understand the teachings of Jesus who said “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” I’ve been to Between the Worlds and they had meetings of a spiritual nature and honor all beliefs. Sending unsolicited mail is the greater sin.
Gomez says
Barbara. To be clear, my post wasn’t meant for you. I just wanted to point out that the “good book” is actually filled with all sorts of hateful & backwards crap if Christians were just honest about it. They just pick and choose which parts that they wish to highlight or ignore. As an atheist, I am not bound to such silliness.
Barbara McNey says
I don’t believe in the God of the Bible or that Jesus was supernatural (although it sounds like it from my letter). I do, however, believe in the TEACHINGS of Jesus… if everyone would “do unto others” etc. it would be a better world! Also the teachings of Buddha are exactly the same so maybe Jesus studied Buddhism in the 18 years he is missing from the Bible. Yes people are indoctrinated all right; glad I wasn’t. The Bible is definitely anti-women. If a woman is single or has a husband who is a drug addict or alcoholic and she can’t get good advice from him, she’s out of luck! Thanks for your comments.
Gomez says
Well, to be fair, the god of the Bible does demand that homosexuals be put to death. He’s not a big fan of women either, asking that they sit quietly & let their husbands do all of the talking. I’m not really sure why people think that such a deity is worthy of worship, perhaps because they’ve just been indoctrinated in it since they were children.
David Welch says