by Sue Devlin, Stevensville
It is becoming more and more evident that Mayor Gibson is not prepared for town council meetings.
On Monday, February 7th, during an open special council meeting, he allowed a quorum of council members to have a private meeting. It wasn’t until I approached him and advised him that this was illegal that he said “oh right. I’ll bring them back in”.
Then during the regular council meeting on February 10th, he admitted that he had made a mistake in allowing that private meeting. Said “I will make mistakes” “I’m 70 years old”. So his excuse is his age??? Perhaps he shouldn’t have run for mayor. He was in the State Legislature, I would think that he should know laws regarding meetings.
When he was asked to explain several of the bi-weekly claims, he clearly did not know what they were – council members would then prompt him by asking if they were for this or that – his answers were “yeah that sounds about right” “yeah, that’s probably what it was for”. He is signing checks (using our tax payer money) without having a clue what they are for. He “will look into it.”
I would hope that he spends time learning the laws, rules and regulations and be able to explain what he’s spending our money on so future meetings don’t verge on illegalities, “I guess” so’s, “probably’s” “sounds about right.”