Gary Locke, executive director of the Bitterroot Family Shelter, an organization that offers support services to people experiencing homelessness in the Bitterroot, says that the generous donations of warm clothing and supplies have exceeded what the shelter can handle at this time. The only things that they need right now are sleeping mats and cots. Those will be used at the planned warming shelter that is preparing to open at the Rocky Mountain Grange Hall, on Hwy 93 south of Hamilton. Locke has been working with the Grange organization on this project and the last remaining stumbling block was liability insurance, which Locke has now secured.
According to Locke, the new warming shelter will be opening as soon as it can be fitted with the necessary items. In the meantime, Bitterroot Family Shelter will hold open houses at the Grange on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day, starting at 1 pm. Everyone is welcome to come check out the new space, get warm, and enjoy refreshments and fellowship.
Anyone wanting to volunteer to help with the open houses should contact Joe Senger at 503-444-1204.
Corrine Gantt, Secretary/Treasurer Rocky Mountain Grange says
Unfortunately, this article hit the press prematurely, Not all the details have been worked out at this time. None of the announced events will be held. The Rocky Mountain Grange regrets any inconvenience this has caused.