by Mike Miller, Stevensville
Why is there such an incessant push for this new and experimental, yet clearly ineffective vaccine?!
“It’s the science!” proves:
1- a survival rate of 98+% (taken from the CDC site itself comparing cases to deaths),
2- that the vaccine does NOT work, because those vaccinated (and wearing a mask that does NOT block the .1 micron sized virus!) still get sick, pass the virus, and even die from the virus (notice how the number of vaccines has gone up from one to three… for now… (sounds very experimental to me!)
3- these vaccines kill people… with no legal recourse, because the manufacturers have federal immunity (why do they need federal immunity, if it works the way they says it does?!).
You ought to be following the money (and demanding the shysters be held accountable!): the vaccine manufacturers are making liability-free money off this, and there’s a reason that many of our senators/congressional representatives paying for two houses (and transportation to/from) off less than $200K a year are multi-millionaires: lobbying kickbacks (read: bribes). Of course, there’s the control side they also gain… because you’re literally giving up your Freedoms for a modern snake oil!
Stop being manipulated by people who clearly are pushing something that’s ineffective at best, and killing people (with federal immunity) at worst.
And just for you, Bitterroot Star reporters… why don’t you start start doing some objective research on the positive side of this problem, such as the survival rate, our bodies immunity design (various forms on ‘humans’ have been around for millions of years, so it must be pretty good!), vitamin/herbal supplements to decrease/minimize the effects of covid-19, faulty studies in the beginning of this, doctors (such as Dr David Martin) speaking out against these vaccines, suicide rates going up because of this, Ivermectin use (in use by people since the 1970s) discussed in the National Library of Medicine/National Institutes of Health), people dying (and getting other horrible side effects) from the covid vaccines, etc. After all, there are two sides to every story, so why don’t you start telling the other side?
Mike Miller says
All the naysayers fail to recognize that my first three points are indeed fact, and can be easily verified. Therefore, Gomez, I am NOT wrong, but in fact, correct, based on the science!
If you want to 1- “socially distance” yourself (there’s nothing social about distancing yourself, by the way), 2- wear a mask, or two (that aren’t made to stop a .1 micron sized virus) and 3- get one, I mean, two, I mean three, oh, hold up, now there’s talk about a 4th… ugh. Go ahead, I wish you best.
The fact remains that people socially distancing with masks and getting every booster that comes along (remember when “It’s the science!” said just social distancing would work?) those people following that science are still getting sick, still passing the virus, and still dying from it.
The fact also remains that the CDC site (which is following the science, I presume) states there’s a 98+% chance of survival. Science is absolute that we all die of something sooner or later, but people like Bridget Haley Dolan are only concerned about what the present social virtue is. 1.5 million people died from tuberculosis last year, but she isn’t worried about that because she isn’t being told MSM and power hungry politicians to worry about that.
Stop being servants. Research the other side of the side of the concern. Become educated and make your own decisions for you.
Howard S. says
“1- “socially distance” yourself (there’s nothing social about distancing yourself, by the way)”
Socially distancing refers to keeping a safe distance in “social” settings
“2- wear a mask, or two (that aren’t made to stop a .1 micron sized virus) and”
You’ve been fact-checked by me and others multiple times on this, but you continue to spew this non-sense. This virus, like all other respiratory viruses, does not float freely around in the air. It would not, could not, survive that way. It is transmitted in the very small (but much, much larger than the virus) respiratory droplets that people expel during talking, singing, coughing, sneezing, even just breathing. These droplets are definitely large enough to be filtered out by an N-95 mask, and to a lesser but still significant extent by surgical masks or cloth face masks. These droplets are why surgeons and surgical staff wear masks while operating, to protect you, the patient, and your open wounds.
“3- get one, I mean, two, I mean three, oh, hold up, now there’s talk about a 4th… ugh”
The fact is that of the approximately 1000 deaths/day from Covid occuring as I write this, greater than 95% are among the unvaccinated. That would 950 out of the 1000 unvaccinated, compared to 50 vaccinated. Are those 50 proof that the vaccine doesn’t work? Absolutely not. Not vaccine is 100% effective. There are always people whose bodies won’t or can’t respond properly to the vaccine. The vaccines were never designed or intended to prevent all infections or transmission, but if they keep people out of the hospital, they are very effective vaccines. Also, lots and lots of vaccines require multiple doses for complete effectiveness. The single dose ones are more the exception than the rule.
“…98+% chance of survival…”
Another one of your favorite stats. Just to put it in perspective, if a virus with 2% mortality were to spread through the country unchecked, and this stat held up, we’d be dealing with 6 million deaths. Not to mention the fact that in that scenario the hospitals across the country would almost immediately be overwhelmed, which would increase the mortality rate significantly. Putting the human costs aside, which I’m sure you’ll have no problem doing, if you think the economy, schools, supply chains, etc. would just continue humming along smoothly in this “let the virus rip” strategy, you’re dumber than I thought you were.
Gomez says
Very well said, Howard, thank you.
Mike Miller says
1- I’ll say it again: there’s nothing ‘social’ about distancing. It’s called ‘isolating’.
2- You can claim to fact check me all you want; you need to fact check yourself. The size of the covid-19 virus is .1 micron; the N95 mask is rated down to .3 microns. .1 size object goes through .3 holes all day long. That little blue mask states right on the box they aren’t designed to protect against covid-19. Further, the virus DOES float freely in the air. This is a quote taken directly from the E P A dot G O V page: “Transmission of COVID-19 from inhalation of virus in the air can occur at distances greater than six feet. Particles from an infected person can move throughout an entire room or indoor space. The particles can also linger in the air after a person has left the room – they can remain airborne for hours in some cases.”
3- You can claim all day more people are dying from being unvaccinated. That doesn’t change the facts of what I said. “It’s the science!” has moved the goalpost from day 1, starting from “social distance yourselves, to ‘don’t wear a mask’, to ‘do wear a mask’, to wear two masks’, to ‘get a vaccine’, to, ‘get a third vaccine’… it’s clear that the people who are in charge of “it’s the science!” have no idea what they’re talking about. Don’t get mad at me because what they say isn’t working at I’m simply noting they keep changing their story. Additionally, the fact remains (that you wrongfully ignore) that the makers of these vaccines have federal immunity from any and all adverse effects. Further, people are dying because they ARE being vaccinated: do a search of ‘killed by covid vaccine’.
3- 98+% chance of survival. It’s a fact posted on the CDC site itself; simply work the math of total cases vs deaths. Yes, people are dying from this. I’ll repeat what I said about tuberculosis: 1.5 million people died from tuberculosis last year, but you aren’t worried about that because you aren’t being told MSM and power hungry politicians to worry about that with your social virtue. You apparently aren’t worried about the suicide, domestic abuse, and obesity that has gotten worse because of this media driven panic. Neither were so worked up about the ebola virus when it made it’s rounds less than a decade ago, even though the fatality rate is MUCH higher. Again, where was your social virtue for that? Your quote of “six million deaths” is based on the presumption that everyone has had the virus, which is false. The fact is not everyone has had the virus. Some people have had it, but were asymptomatic, and some people have that thing that has kept the human races alive for millions of years: “natural immunity”.
A couple side notes: 1- I’d love to put in actual links, but this paper censors me every time (took them three weeks to even publish this original LTE), even after I call them and they say “Gosh, I don’t why that happened; I see it right here. I’ll notify the person who handles that area.” 2- Have you bothered to even find out what horrifying ingredients are in hose vaccines?
Bitterrooter says
I realize you have your position. You have repeated it over and over in this paper…so this is probably futile to give you additional information. But, you cite 1.5 million TB deaths per year. That is worldwide. in the US in 2019, there were 526 deaths from TB. So if you are wondering why folks in the US aren’t worried about TB, you might consider that it is because the risk is vanishingly small to the average citizen.
As far as ebola. It might be more deadly, but transmission of the disease is slower and more difficult. I don’t know where you were during the 2014 ebola outbreak in w Africa, but I remember people losing their s__t in the US (particularly republican congresspeople). There were 3 confirmed cases in the US and one person died.
I agree that there are many sources of risk out there that are ignored. I also agree (generally) that folks should be given a choice whether to take a vaccine. However, a choice to not take the vaccine is should not be assumed to be cost free. If businesses want to require vaccination for entry, that is their right; just as it is your right not to get the vaccine.
The problem is that there is no easy way to hold the un-vaccinated responsible (financially or legally) for illness or death they may cause by passing on the disease to someone else. There are those in our society such as those with compromised immune systems or very young children who cannot be vaccinated or have an ineffective response to vaccines. My question to you would be, how should you be held responsible if your choice not to be vaccinated leads to the death or long-term disability of someone? What would be just? Or is that just the way the cookie crumbles in your mind?
Myself, I choose to be a responsible, caring citizen. I am not particularly afraid of covid, but I am afraid of my lack of civic responsibility (if I were not vaccinated) causing harm to others.
Best wishes, and I fervently hope you escape the illness.
Mike Miller says
You seem to dismiss the ebola thing because it was less likely to catch a deadlier disease, but you’re all social virtued up about more likely catching something with a lesser lethality. Seems backwards to me.
You insinuate unvaccinated people should be held responsible for their medical choice, so let me ask you some questions of accountability.
How should the covid-19 vaccine makers be held responsible for the injuries/deaths they cause due the negative reactions from their shots? Oh; federal law and code gives them immunity. No accountability there! Nicely played with those big business special interest bribing, I mean lobbying, of our federal crooks, I mean legislators. Maybe that’s why so many of them are multimillionaires, but let’s not lose focus.
What about holding the vaccine makers responsible for ineffective shots that someone wearing masks and vaccinated passed on the virus anyway? Or that the vaccinated died anyway from covid? Refer to above paragraph for answer.
What about people who have medical or religious objections? You imply you’re fine with discriminating against them. Why are you discriminating against the unvaccinated for something with a 98+% rate of survival?
What about the people who wear useless masks or wear masks incorrectly; where is your demanding accountability for their actions?
You claim to “be a responsible, caring, citizen”, but here you are all loaded up with your social virtue full of discrimination against those that disagree with you for whatever their private, unknown medical reason might be.
Gomez says
.”1.5 million people died from tuberculosis last year”
In 2019, 526 deaths were attributed to TB in the United States. On the other hand, there have been 777,000 COVID related deaths in the US since the pandemic began. One of these things in not like the other.
As an example how rare TB deaths are in the US, about 1000 Americans die each year ice skating, roller skating or skateboarding, and another thousand die in riding lawnmower accidents.
Again. One of these things is not like the other.
Mike Miller says
Gomez, the World Health Organization site states “A total of 1.5 million people died from TB in 2020”.
Again, I’d be more than happy to provide that link directly, but this paper censors me when I provide links.
You’re right, one of these thing is not like the other, but here we are, frothing over pushed agendas and social virtues.
You’re welcome.
Gomez says
Read my comment again. 526 TB deaths in the US in 2019.
Mike Miller says
No, you read my comment. I stated it accurately and gave the source. Your numbers are just a small part of the number I listed.
Bitterrooter says
HI Mike,
I shouldn’t take time to try to reason with you, but this is an issue of vital health importance to all Montanans.
I know that you understand the difference between being concerned about Covid, that has killed over 800,000 Americans, and about TB that has killed less than 1000 in the same time period. Your TB arguments are specious and should embarrass an intelligent person such as yourself.
There are many horrible diseases in the world that we in the US don’t worry about much–Malaria, Dengue Fever, Yellow Fever, Tb, etc. However, just because we don’t worry about diseases that pose little threat to us does not mean we should not worry about preventable diseases that are actually killing our neighbors every day.
I understand you want a perfect world where before you are held accountable for your actions, your laundry list of perceived societal faults must first be addressed (what about the vaccine makers? What about the shadowy elites? Who will hold them accountable?). It is always someone else’s fault that you won’t take the basic actions needed to benefit our commonwealth.
I remember a time when our country put thousands of conscientious young men in jail for refusing to be thrown into the meat grinder that was Vietnam. This was in a time when the sons of the rich and connected easily evaded service, but the poor, unconnected were told to either serve or go to jail. It was an unjust war and and unfair draft, but the population by and large supported it. Oh how times have changed! Today you feel that you have been subjected to the equivalent of the Spanish Inquisition if you are asked to wear a mask, or get a vaccine to save your neighbors.
Sweet mother of God, when did we become such a self-centered, self-pitying society. When did the concept of the public good get consumed by the narcissistic worldview of so many of our friends and neighbors?
Our strength as a nation is built on a foundation of shared purpose, AND shared sacrifice. That sharing is the glue that binds a diverse society together into a strong cohesive unit. Today, however that sacrifice is hardly a sacrifice…wearing a mask in a crowded setting, or getting a vaccine that has been proven as safe or safer than routine vaccines used for decades throughout the world. In the case of looking after and nurturing our commonwealth in the time of Covid, the bar for shared sacrifice could not be lower. Yet, here we are.
I wish you and yours health and safety.
Gomez says
Well said.
You have so much more patience than I.
Bridget Haley Dolan says
My next door neighbor died from Covid. He was in his late 30s. I guess it doesn’t matter unless it’s your son, daughter, sibling??
Mike Miller says
People like Bridget Haley Dolan are only concerned about what the present social virtue is
1.5 million people died from tuberculosis last year, but she isn’t worried about that because she isn’t being told MSM and power hungry politicians to worry about that. Why is that? Could it be a money thing?
Gomez says
Please stop allowing people to spread information that is untrue about the vaccines. The letter writer said;
“the vaccine does NOT work”
The truth?
“Unvaccinated people had a 6.1 times greater risk of testing positive for COVID-19, and an 11.3 times greater risk of dying from the disease.
“All COVID-19 vaccines currently available in the United States are effective at preventing COVID-19 as seen in clinical trial settings,” said a CDC spokesperson in response to requests for comment. ”
Kmac says
And the 1969 moon landing was filmed on a Hollywood sound stage.
Mike Miller says
The science of the “Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter” pictures proves you wrong.
Amen to that. Thanks for speaking the truth!
Gomez says
You are simple wrong. Please stop spreading incorrect information. According to the most recent data, almost all COVID deaths and hospitalizations are now of the unvaccinated..
“New data from Cleveland Clinic shows how effective the COVID-19 vaccine is in reducing hospitalizations.
In August, researchers discovered 90% of those who were admitted were not vaccinated.”