by Joan Prather, Stevensville
I have known Brandon Dewey for several years. I have served with him on boards, worked with him on projects, served under his leadership as a Board member. He is always at the Community events, supporting, volunteering and very involved. He is a forward thinker, intelligent person, problem solver and mediator. He speaks from experience and the heart and is fluent in presenting information accurately, knowledgeably and respectfully with class and dignity. He is a born leader and has been mentored by people of like character.
In the time I have worked with Brandon on many different projects over the years, he has shown a sound commitment to the Community of Stevensville. He is reliable and willing to help and very involved in the community. He has an ability to jump in when assistance is needed whither it be setting up a website, helping with office duties, solving problems, helping employees with problems they are experiencing, researching information, connecting with contacts at local, county and state levels and is diligent in his knowledge of issues facing our town.
He has demonstrated quality leadership abilities in the years I have known him and is truly a good man to serve as Mayor for Stevensville. He makes things happen, he is involved, forward thinking and available to the Community he represents. He has a wonderful family and has endured criticism, bantering, lynch mob attitudes and through it all has remained dedicated to his position as Mayor concentrating on the issues at hand. I very much respect him for taking the high road.
With the elections coming up, I hope that in reading this letter of support for Brandon you will see in him what I see; a person who knows and recognizes the heart of the Stevensville Community, its historic character and issues and problems we face, and cast your vote in favor of Brandon Dewey for Mayor.