by Nancy Kopszywa, Stevensville
The best thing about living in a small town is the people. In Stevensville, they are courteous, friendly and neighborly. That seems to have changed, at least for one person, now that the current mayor has a challenger.
I cannot believe how petty, vindictive, and full of political smear-like innuendos he printed in last week’s Star. From my perspective, only a desperate person would stoop so low by attacking his opponent in that manner.
If a candidate brags about his accomplishments, that might be expected, even if not true. However, to berate a person who has decades of experience running a statewide Montana department (juvenile corrections with 200 employees and a multi-million dollar budget), seems to me very unprofessional.
If that’s the way the mayor behaves now, he has motivated me to write this letter and definitely urge ALL my Stevensville friends to cast their votes for Steve Gibson—our Town’s next mayor.