by Jim & Leslie Tadvick, Stevensville
We feel we must write this letter regarding the mayor race. We have lived in Stevensville for over 50 years so we are not newcomers. Our current mayor has never had to go out and get a real job. Every job he has had was created for him by two of his mentors either through the fire department or city hall. Our current mayor has never paid real estate taxes. He “rented” from one of his mentors but we will not go there.
His opponent, Steve Gibson, has owned homes in Miles City, Missoula, Helena and Stevensville. So yes he knows all about real estate taxes. His work at the Miles City Juvenile Detention Center has given him a ton of experience working on budgets and managing people. He then went on and ran the Juvenile system for the State of Montana, again dealing with budgets and managing people on a larger scale.
His experience in the legislature being vice chair of the appropriations committee is again valuable experience in budgets. He was well respected on both sides of the aisle because of his knowledge and expertise.
If our current mayor would have worked in the private sector he may have learned you cannot take $12,020 to pay a personal bill without first getting permission from your employer. Yes, he did pay it back but that is not the point.
Another fact that very few people know about is the mayor’s treatment of a very good friend of ours, Dean Whitesitt. Dean and his family have been members of the Stevensville community for years. A couple of years ago Dean was told by the mayor that he was too old to serve on the cemetery committee. Was not told thank you for over 50 years of service or anything, just that he was too old to be on the committee. That is why Dean and Peg have a Steve Gibson for Mayor sign in their yard even though they are not in the city limits. I read this to Dean and he said everything was correct in what we said. He said if you have any questions to just ask him.
Please cast your vote for Steve Gibson.
Robin Holcomb says
Very sad on how Dean was treated after all he has done. I know all too well on how Mayoe Dewey writes his emails.
warren pollard says
This shameful, Dean whitsett is a model person. That deserves our respect.
Leanna Rodabaugh says
Are you saying, Mr. Dewey, that Dan Whitesitt is a prevaricator? Shame on you. The truth isn’t malicious in this case. What you espouse is an attempt to absolve yourself from a very bad situation in which you showed your true soul. Dean was very hurt and told me so. Your dismissal of his tremendous knowledge is a loss to Stevensville. He at least deserves an apology from you. But we know that is impossible. You are a sad little pretender..
Dan Whitesitt says
And this was all done by email. Brandon didn’t even have the class to talk to dad in person.
Brandon Dewey says
This is not true, Dan. Several conversations were held regarding Dean’s eventual retirement and a succession plan even when Jim Crews was the Mayor. It was a year after I became mayor that we started to implement a 6-month transition phase that all parties involved (Dean Whitesitt, George Thomas, Audree Tribbensee, Denise Philley, & April VanTassel) discussed and agreed to. Any emails were to solidify and document that. Dean and I spoke on the issue many times. I am sorry that Dean feels the way he does about this and that the issue is being used maliciously to cast bad political light.
Dan Whitesitt says
Spin it how you want. I have a copy of the email you sent dad.