by Charles E. Wissenbach, Pinesdale
There is only one option.
Political and military efforts take too long to help in Afghanistan.
Girls sold into sex slavery; executioners going door to door with kill lists; beheadings!
The only option is God as Bible and church history prove:
The shepherd boy kills Goliath saving Israel; three attacking armies are defeated after defenseless Jehosaphat’s appeal to God. Rees Howells’ Bible College of South Wales Intercessory prayers help mightily in winning WWII.
Such prayers now could save many.
Remember: “Nothing is impossible with God!”
Can we unite in the option of persistent full-hearted prayer over this heartbreaking disaster involving masses of Afghans and Americans?
Carlotta Grandstaff says
Not everyone believes in god, that’s why religious belief is optional in America but adherence to the Constitution and the rule of law is not.
Carlotta says
Not everyone believes in god, Charles. Religious belief is optional. Adherence to rule of law and the Constitution is mandatory.
Mike Miller says
Boots on the ground proved ineffective due to vastly different ideologies and will power.
According to your ‘good book’, none of this would be happening if that ‘god’ hadn’t created us in his own image, AND made the devil (and allowed him) to boot!
You should pray about that.