By Ty Capelle, Hamilton
With the recent decision by the city council and mayor to hire an out-of-town law firm to assist in its defense of the recent ZBA’s decision to grant St. Francis Catholic Church a conditional use permit (CUP) along with two variance requests indicates to me that they, the city, may be in trouble. At a cost of up to $510 per hour plus additional cost such as postage, parking, mileage, etc., it appears that the pot holes on Hamilton’s streets will once again have to wait.
While refusing to heed the overwhelming recommendations and facts brought to their attention, by both the citizens of Hamilton and parishioners of the church, the city staff and the ZBA have led the taxpayers down what appears to be a very costly rabbit hole. After allocating nearly $20000 for an incomplete and unreliable traffic study (surely to be challenged in court) the city, realizing it backed itself into a corner is willing to throw even more taxpayers funds into the void.
The church’s building committee also seems to believe that their cause, albeit illegal, is justified at any cost. The fact, confirmed by the city, that the church has been illegally using their property in violation of its current CUP since 2005, has gone unenforced and unexplained by either the church or the city staff.
When the dust finally settles, I believe that Hamilton will be a better place to live. The days of a wink and a nod by city officials will perhaps be replaced by a genuine adherence to the laws of the city which benefit all who reside here.