by Nathan Boddy
A packed room awaited the Hamilton City Council’s Committee of the Whole (COW) on Tuesday evening, May 25. Only three items were on the agenda for discussion, but it was the item presented by high school students, Frances Carrasco and Inga Watt, which dominated discussion for the evening.
The proposal, as submitted to the council, is entitled ‘Allyship Pride Crosswalk Project.’ Their proposal seeks to gain permission from the Hamilton City Council for participating students from Hamilton H.S. SPURS, Corvallis, and area volunteers, to paint four crosswalks at the intersection of 3rd and State, with Pride flag colors; the rainbow colors long associated with Gay Pride. To that palate the group has also added five more colors. As explained by Carrasco, “The pink, light blue and white is used to represent the trans flag, and the black and brown represent people of color. We thought it was necessary to include all these colors in a project that is all about inclusion.”
The groups seeking permission indicated on their proposal that, “We want to make a physical representation of our purpose in preparation for Pride Month in June.” Some confusion arose from the mention of Gay Pride
Month, with several attendees and committee members unsure if the painting was for the month of June, or intended to be a permanent fixture. The intention of the proposal is for a permanent installment, to be maintained on a yearly basis, and rapidly attended to in the case of vandalism. The students said that the materials required for painting and maintaining of the crosswalk would be donated by Evans Ace Hardware, and that they are willing to work with the City to schedule completion of the work. Their estimate is that it would likely require 30 hours for all prep coating and final painting to complete.
In her summary of the need for such an installment, Carrasco said, “Our generation is seeking more inclusion and less division in our community and our world…This project would make me and my peers proud to call this place home.”
The first to speak during public comment was area resident, Michael Sargent, who was plainly at odds with the idea. “I feel like painting our crosswalks with this political statement is not inclusive at all. It includes some, but because it includes some it excludes others.”
Debra Morgan was also against the proposal, so much so that she likened it to vandalism. “I have nothing against gays, gay pride. As long as you’re a nice person, you’re okay with me. But I don’t think that means… and it will turn into, ‘well I want a crosswalk for this, I want a crosswalk for that’, you know? I don’t dare say ‘I want a white pride crosswalk’, that’s racist. If I say ‘straight pride’, I’m homophobic. I just feel like it’s a slippery slope that the city is going to be sliding down for months if not years to come if we start painting the crosswalks for every single little thing somebody wants to pound their chest about.” Morgan finished by adding, “Be proud, but don’t vandalize the city doing it.”
While several other speakers urged caution or outright opposed the project, multiple comments were made in strong support of the project as well as in praise of the quality of Carrasco’s presentation.
Kathy Dexter, a local medical provider who supports the proposal, spoke about the difficulty that young people can feel in the midst of traditionally conservative small towns which may not seem to welcome them. “I understand the concern about a marginalized group taking every crosswalk in town and I say, if that’s what it takes to make people feel like they’re worthy, I say let’s paint every crosswalk in town.”
David Evans echoed that sentiment by saying, “It is not a political statement. It is a statement about love and inclusion and it will be a beautiful project that will beautify the city. I would welcome another one.” He also pointed out that the people represented by the project have no control over how they were born, and added, “I think those people need to be, as mentioned, welcomed.”
Deb Eckhart, a local mental health provider, gave multiple statistics about suicide and depression rates amongst individuals within the LGBTQ+ community, adding, “I don’t see this as a political issue, I see this as a human rights issue.”
The Committee of the Whole proceeded with their discussion of the proposal, many members questioning the obligations that the City might have in future incidents if they were to approve the proposal. While multiple members commented on the value and importance of the project, there was concern that a precedent could be set whereby any group could petition an installment upon public property. Also of concern was the issue of safety upon the crosswalks and whether art and coloration there could be a distraction to drivers and pedestrians. The suggestion was given several times that the issue might best be addressed by a Public Arts Commission and a regulating ordinance.
Councilor Claire Kemp noted that, “this is a really hard decision to make, but I don’t feel prepared to make that decision.”
Councilor Kristi Bielski gave her support to the project noting, “This is one small thing that we can show our kids and our community that we care about them and that they are part of our community.”
Several ideas, such as a smaller or temporary display were discussed, but the overall sentiment seemed to be captured by Mayor Dominic Farrenkopf when he noted, “I know we just did this with Bike/Walk/Bitterroot, and it should be a good chance for us to take pause and say, is this how we want to proceed with all our crosswalks, and if we do want this public art, is that the place for it?”
The council agreed to move with caution, and asked City staff to answer detailed questions about the project prior to having the issue reviewed again at the next COW meeting on June 8th.
Sammy says
Frances Carrasco has recently been in the news for organizing a BLM rally in Hamilton, Inga Watt was also behind the “Alt Prom” fiasco at Corvallis High…. these kids have been radicalized and are not going to stop with this sidewalk.
It’s time for people to stand up and fight back. Make sure they know that woke ideologues are not welcome here, ever.
Francis Busa says
I oppose any radicalization of our political atmosphere in the Bitterroot. This effort is CERTAINLY political. That’s not what our streets are for. Leave them alone!
Slippery slope here for sure!
don iarussi says
its a rainbow. radicalization? lol oh like all your people with swastika tattoos that your retail management staff has no problem chatting with in stores?
Sometimes its beat to shut up and be thought of as a fool. Then to open your mouth and erase all doubt
Kate says
Frsnces & Inga and all students speaking up & out for groups that have been historically dehumanized, persecuted & marginalized are wise, brave, and leading a much needed moment forward again & again toward compassion and inclusion.
LChad says
You premise is little more than talking points, slogans of a progressive push to demonize all aspects of America which has nothing to do with compassion and inclusion but in reality foments hate and exclusion.
Kate says
You are right that hate and exclusion seem to have the loudest voices and continue a legacy of dehumanization, persecution, and marginalization. There are other perspectives that inform, expand, and include marginalized voices. It is worth listening to all of our youth. They interact with the WORLD daily -a digital world and the world that surrounds them. It’s not about sides or politics. It’s about sustaining a place where all of our youth feel like they belong. Not just the ones you accept based on conditional values and personal beliefs.
this is a racist city, i had surgery at marcus daly hospital and some people treated me like crap, lied to me, made inappropriate comments. I am a conservative and republican. these people are neither. no surprise i a city where i saw men with swastika tattoos at the supermarket . the city is full of uneducated fearmongers. they do not represent christian thought. i will not spend a cent in this bigoted town. its rainbow.
donald iarussi says
you ar actually attacking under age kids? wow that is one bigoted comment for people whose past generation relatives murdered, raped and stole native American land
I am a conservative, republican messianic who is dark skinned and have seen and heard the bigots and hate mongers in Hamilton Montana.
These racist white people treat me like crap when i am in Hamilton.
Hey, In Hamilton its okay for people to walk around with swastikas’ tattoos .
I saw a few outside Albertsons and in other places. at a hotel they thought i was Hispanic from Mexico and when i went to book a room. she said you people know that you need to have a credit card to stay here? lol yes, she really said that. These are ignorant people who do not represent anyone but their uneducated selves. they d not seem to be as concerned about their eth problem? hmm i wonder why? Problems with drunk drivers, drugs, spousal abuse .
i could write more but why? they are ignorant ! also n a separate note. The police are racist, harass people with bull crap excuses for stopping people.
don iarussi mfa says
darn teens, why dont they take after the adults in hamilton and get swastika tattoos. i have seen so many
Jamie says
The City Council meeting is June 8, 7pm at City Hall 223 South 2nd Street.
Gomez says
I keep reading comments that claim homosexuality is immoral. For those that feel that way, what exactly is immoral about it? What is your justification for calling it immoral? Please be specific.
Henrik Jacobsen says
It goes against every law of nature.
Also look at the corelation between homosexuality and pedophilia and mental illness.
Gomez says
It goes against every law of nature.
Wrong, it is common in the animal kingdom;
“Same-sex pairing is not just normal in the animal kingdom – it’s even common. Studies suggest that about 1,500 animal species are known to practice same-sex coupling – from insects, to fish, birds and mammals.”
Look at the corelation between homosexuality and pedophilia and mental illness.
Wrong again.
“Scientific research does not provide any evidence that gay men or lesbians are any more likely than heterosexuals to molest children.”
If you have a published, peer reviewed studies that provide data that can back up your assertions I’m sure we’d all like to see them.
Jason says
If homosexuality was even close to normalized, then species of all types would become extinct. Males and females were made to pair with each other in order to reproduce and perpetuate life. Basic.
Gomez says
Again, the question was “For those that feel that way, what exactly is immoral about it? What is your justification for calling it immoral? Please be specific.”
Donald Iarussi MFA says
darn kids should get a good hobby, like meth or fentanyl Police cant seem to control that. But at least they are not gay? Right?
what fools
Sammy says
mo·ral·i·ty (noun)
principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior.
Leviticus 18:22
“Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.”
Given that we in the west have based our government and culture of a Judean/Christian theology and culture, naturally our cultural norms and idea of “morality” would be based off of the laws found in the Bible.
You wanted specifics. There you go.
Now, most God-fearing people are willing to let God be the ultimate judge of right and wrong when it comes to God’s law, and not the laws of Men… I for one would hate to be in a position to judge someone who is LGTB especially when in many cases they were obviously predisposed to live an alternate lifestyle through genetics or no fault of their own… which is why we are perfectly happy to live side by side with our fellow human-people in the LGBT community and leave them alone as long as they are willing to do the same with us. But that doesn’t mean we are going to sit idly by while something we believe to be an abomination is encouraged and celebrated for a month and painted on our sidewalks.
Gomez says
Sammy. The United States is not a theocracy. We do not use the Bible to create our public policy or law. If we did, slavery would be legal (as long as when an owner beat his slaves he didn’t kill them with 3 days)., the murder of infidels and homosexuals would be state sanctioned. and women would not have the right to vote or speak up in public.
Before you can claim that you know the mind of a god, you first need to provide proof that they even exist. After you do that (something no one in the history of mankind has been able to do), you can explain how it is that you and you alone knows what this god wants of us.
don iarussi mfa says
what is god fearing anyway? do u pray to a white jesus and not a semitic jesus? lol redneck racists in hamilton . btw i am a conservative. But not an idiot!
Judge not, and you shall not be judged: condemn not, and you shall not be condemned: forgive, and you shall be forgiven: Judge. Isaiah 65:5 Which say, Stand by thyself, come not near to me; for I am holier than thou. These are a smoke in my nose, a fire that burneth all the day. Matthew 7:1 Judge not, that ye be not judged. Romans 2:1,2
Jason says
Very simple. Read carefully: Males and females were designed to mate with the opposite sex in order to pro-create and further an existence of the species. Homosexuality, in any species, will eventually wipe that species from this globe. Please reply intelligently.
Gomez says
Please list every species in the entire history of the planet that has gone extinct because of homosexuality.
I’ll wait.
Naomi says
Gomez, you’re my favorite.
LChad says
Whether Homosexuality is ‘normal’ or ‘natural’ is not the point. The point is PROMOTING something that should be private and personal be made PUBLIC is prurient exhibitionistic behavior masquerading as ‘positive social engineering’. Go ahead, be ‘free’, but don’t FORCE others to consume or condone it.
Russ Lingenfelter says
If we establish a precedent for using taxpayer dollars to promote one political agenda, we will have to pay for many, many more. Will we have an all blue crosswalk for Democrats? An all red crosswalk for Republicans? How about an gray one for Independents? An all black crosswalk for BLM? One with flames for Antifa? One with the hammer and sickle for Marxists?
I’m sure these students hearts are in the right place but this requires adult thinking, not teenage enthusiasm.
Someone who read the article says
Taxpayer dollars aren’t being allocated for this.
Sammy says
Who pays for the police dept. to shut down traffic to that intersection while the crosswalk is painted, and dries for 24 hrs, and then repainted when it is vandalized over and over again? You?
Russ Lingenfelter says
James Schmitt says
Boone Hawkins says
seems rather divisive, now is likely not a good time to push this agenda forward. Sad, as well; that some comments of divergent opinions are not posted, for reasons unknown. As an older guy who is a voracious reader, I’d hoped for an unbiased platform from the “Star”; that doesn’t appear to be true in this instance. But then, I remember that; anymore; objective, real, journalism is as old fashioned as honesty, morals, and traditional values.
You’ll reap what you sow.
Hayden says
If you can petition your town to have a crosswalk colored in your political colors and have it seriously considered, you’re not excluded. Look, I’m gay, and I’m telling you, you don’t want this. It’s not a human rights issue; gays have all the rights others do plus more protections. And it’s not a matter of suicide. If someone is going to kill themselves because there isn’t a pride rainbow crosswalk in their small redstate town, they’re probably apt to, anyway, and should probably move. This is pure politics.
This is the left doing what they always do: gratifying themselves by pushing their will onto others needlessly. It won’t stop here. Once it’s painted, they’ll want anyone who happens to leave tire marks stopping or starting at the intersection to be charged with a hate crime. The US is a big, big, diverse country. There are endless places to move to where there are already pride crosswalks. I hear Chicago is nice. There’s LA, SanFran, Seattle, and Portland on one side and NYC, Boston, Philly, Miami, on the other, with thousands of small towns in between very visually supportive of LGBT ppl. Go where diversity is.
You don’t have to push everything on everyone everywhere to feel welcome in this world. Stop with the gaslighting. You know what you tell someone who says, “if you don’t do this, I’m going to kill myself”? “You’re crazy.”
Sincerely, a gay also tired of the BS.
Mtek says
Regardless of how anyone identifies :o} this is an excellent statement. I sincerely hope you get it on the record for City Council today.
Sammy says
Thank you for saying this! It’s pretty clear that the things the LGBT fought for a decade or two ago is not the same as what is being pushed for now by mostly bored affluent white kids who claim to be an “ally” because the woke social media mob told them that was to be their new religion. For kids like these, liberty and peace are bad and need to be replaced with control and revolution.
Jason says
On point! Thank you for your statement. Intelligence and logic are rare these days
Jane says
Very well said!
Paul says
The last two decades proves that the slippery slope is real. Let these malcontent teenagers move to places that match their values. Let them go vandalize another town.
Candice says
I am not in support of painting the cross walks and agree with Michael Sargent.
Dean says
“Let these teenagers move to places that match their values?” seriously? They’re teenagers, they can’t move. What teenagers need is a community that accepts them for who they are, because as a gay man that grew up in Darby I sure as hell didn’t have that.
Grandpa Don says
“they’re teenagers, they can’t move” Obviously, the issue is deeper than we thought. Now, it seems, it makes teenagers unable to move, and work toward maturity. Instead, it encourages them to sit like victims and bemoan the fact of their existence, rather than doing any work or putting forth effort to improve their lot in life. Got it.
Henrik Jacobsen says
Grow some nuts and just move or deal with it. Teenagers shouldn’t be gay.
Jason says
Yep. If anyone does not like it here or appreciate the fact that some of us came to this place to be in the company of like minded folks, they are free to move. To either the east or west coast. This will not be pushed down our throats. Ever. Period.
JC says
Dean, I’m sorry for what you went through. My son grew up in Hamilton under comparable circumstances. I applaud these teenagers no matter what the outcome. And I am taking steps in my yard to show my support for Pride.
Steve Smith says
LBTQ is an all-out assault on the family. Pedophiles use the rainbow as cover for their political agenda, every single time.
Abdula Mohammed says
Jacob David says
I’ve got a great idea. Leave the pavement as it is and paint the Ace hardware building rainbow colors. It will show the community what they stand for and they will surely be rewarded by LGBT customers.
Lesl says
That is a great idea!
Amanda says
Wyoming says
Hey Montana,
Wyoming here. Are you feeling ok? What the hell happened to you?
A Concerned Neighbor
Vick says
Hey Wyoming, you just made my day lol
~Montana~ says
Hey Wyoming, remember when you brutally murdered Matthew Shepard?
A Concerned Neighbor
Jason says
Hey Wyoming….we ain’t letting this happen. Ever…promise that!
Vick says
Seems to me that the purpose of a crosswalk is so that people can safely cross the street. I’m against this project because the colors would be distracting and confusing to both drivers and pedestrians. When there are accidents, who’s fault will it be? The children who proposed it? the city of Hamilton? the City Council?
Also, Carrasco said, “Our generation is seeking more inclusion and less division in our community”.
I realize these are kids and they may not have a lot of common sense yet but they need to know that this project would do the exact opposite of what they’re hoping for. It’s a really bad idea.
Raven says
Well…reading some of the comments goes to show why small towns are stereotyped as ignorant.
The amount of people who just don’t get it just show how uneducated they are. These sort of symbols are so important for the morale of people, but mostly old, straight, and white people want to complain because they would rather no one make changes because they are worried about keeping their peaceful small town life, rather than trying to educate themselves, and possibly make a good life for everyone.
Making sure everyone has rights, or good things, doesn’t mean yours are being taken away, you ignorant pricks.
CF says
If you don’t like the culture of rural small towns, maybe you should move to more tolerant places like San Francisco or Portland?
Saif says
Does not matter if we get it. If majority does not want this type of trash, you should suck it up.
GrindrTellsAll says
Download Grindr, it’s free.
That is all a normal person needs to do to decide if they support “harmless” celebration of hedonism. It is full of “everyday lgbt” and the degeneracy speaks for itself..
Love is love even with 3 people at the same time or bug chasers, right?
You want truth let’s start posting screenshots of grindr profiles right next door to your kids.
Kevin says
Putting this crap everywhere is practically a form of idolatry., and is just a performative display you can use to signal your morality to other people. It doesn’t improve anyone’s quality of life, especially not if done at public expense. This has nothing to do with anybody’s “rights” and everything to do with imposing your nutty ideology on other people.
Tejano says
When you complain about a lack of education in this day and age, all you’re saying is that the people from small towns are not indoctrinated in the same strain of state propaganda that you were. You are an invader. Take your libertinist imperialism somewhere else and stay out of working class communities and/or traditional American spaces.
Don says
Typical left-wing response. . When you can’t rationally discuss a subject, you resort to name calling.
Chris says
Progressive ideas aren’t always superior and traditional ideas aren’t always ignorant. If you don’t feel included here, I’m sure California would be more than happy to have you. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!
Mtek says
4% does not govern the 96%. Do what you want in your private space, just like me. . Keep kids and force out of the discussion because then, I will get involved.
Calling people “pricks” does not speak to my ignorance but yours. Learn a new word and do not talk down to we who wisely choose not to believe the propaganda you have swallowed and regurgitated. You wanna be gay, be gay! Need a symbol or sign, put it on your own property.
Keep it clean & safe–neutral–for all on the roads & hiway.
Erek says
You’ll be hard-pressed to find intelligence in this comment section, Raven. As someone who lives here in the valley, I can attest that intelligence is difficult to come by anywhere around here. Sure, most people in the Bitterroot are nice enough, but they’re also ignorant or brainwashed, and frequently both. And, as this comment section has illustrated, there’s a swath of Bitterrooters who are not very nice at all. Their heads are filled with mush and their hearts are filled with hate. It’s a tall order, trying to fix mean and stupid.
Abel says
Yes when the people own most of industry are pushing an agenda and high school kids and college students get swept into the agenda that’s brainwashing. Denying natural law and creating your own subjective reality is the result of brainwashing. There is nothing intelligent in thinking two people of the same gender belong together in a relationship. The natural end of which is the extinction of the human species. There is nothing intelligent about the theory that man can just choose a gender. It’s a mental illness.
ADZ says
Name calling really? Not very open minded as you think Raven. Let’s look at a bigger picture. If one group gets to display themselves then all should be included.
So how are we including the others? Are we going to put the cross back up and the ten commandments on public property? How would we represent the Fascist, Nazi’s and white supremacist? How about the home schooling community that has not been accepted for decades. What about them? and the Buddhist, Hindi’s , Wiccans and on and on. The sidewalks are a neutral color and are used and accepted by everyone. They are public property and need to represent everyone which they do. Flying a flag or painting your house, if that is what you would like is fine. It represents you and your beliefs. But painting the sidewalk does not represent the feelings of the entire community. It leaves too many people out. That is why there is an ordinance stating NO group shall be represented on public property, There are far too many to cover.
CM says
There is nothing to “get.” This is about “Wokeness” trying to turn a lovely small town Liberal. As the saying goes; Once the camel gets it’s nose under the tent the whole camel will be in the tent.
Next thing will be a BLM crosswalk then what? This is a great town. Not every summer visitor will be Liberal or woke. The look of the planned painting is hideous and looks like LA. Is this LA? Just no.
LGBT or whatever have all the rights they have asked for and that’s fine. If someone needs to be an Activist find a larger city.
Jason says
Move. Period. No need to attempt judging those who have views that are opposing yours. Heard Portland is a great place to vandalize….go spray your paint there. You’re generalization of small, rural communities and who they consist of, shows your blatant woke ignorance. Even when you attempt to use intelligent words. Will NOT happen here. We value morality.
Sarah says
I am not sure how 4 crosswalks in Hamilton will resolve how they feel about themselves. If that is all it took then there would be painted sidewalks all over the world. Some of the comments from people on this article say they do not feel safe in Hamilton and this will help them feel safe in the small town. I am confused ~ do they just plan to shop on the 4 corner stores of 3rd and State?? Since they mentioned the high school, why are they not requesting to paint the high school or surrounding areas. Have they requested to paint their own homes, their driveways, their sidewalks where they live. Downtown is a place to shop and not have someone’s ‘agenda’ or desires displayed. Hamilton is a small town and should remain the friendly, neighborly town it is known for.
Mike says
You don’t sound very friendly.
Arthur Benzin says
You don’t sound very intellligent.
Mike says
Wow you assume a lot from one comment. Tell me Arthur, how do you measure ones intelligence? Am I unintelligent because I disagree with someone? Please enlighten me on how you came to this conclusion.
Grandpa Don says
Mike, aren’t you guilty of assuming a lot from one comment as well? Yes, yes, you are.
Now, because I’m friendly, I will help you out. The near-screech of everyone with an agenda is so deafening, almost no one listens. Here is a factual bit of information for you – “special folks of different persuasion” in this country are an outspoken but very small percentage of people that live here. Being generous, I will say 30%… what that means is, 70% do not think as you do, despite what you may glean from the media. Please understand that the 70% who don’t agree with you, will never agree with you – just as you will never agree with us.
But you keep slapping the face of the 70%, and expect quiet acquiescence. That is crazy. Almost as crazy as pushing people who just want to live quietly and peacefully, into acceptance of the LGBT agenda and lifestyle.l It won’t happen. As was noted earlier, if these high school kids want to paint something to show their “pride”; or help them feel whatever – how about one of the gym walls, or part of the football field. Start close to their own area… I’m sure the athletes at the school will be glad to….
Just understand that no one, no group, has the “right” to browbeat, coerce, or try to intimidate others, into acceptance of what they see as wrong at best, abomination at worst. If it continues, expect the 70% to begin to be vocal and more, about their own agenda.
It’s all part of maturing, and learning to live with others who disagree… your thoughts, beliefs, and desires; mean to me what mine mean to you. Not much, huh?
Shad says
I have an idea, they could paint their own houses
Dustin says
Live your life the way that you want. It’s not until you start shoving it in someone’s face that I causes problems. This is ridiculous and this is the type of thing that causes people to be divided. Keep your personal life to yourself please. All of this craziness needs to stop. I think most people in this valley just want to live a good, quiet life. Dont stir things up. If you want Drama, go somewhere else.
DingDong&proud says
Good that the kids are thinking about others I just hope they don’t start to hate others just because people don’t agree with them. I naturally feel uncomfortable when I think an issue is being forced on me, I think everyone feels that way no matter the topic. If inclusive is the key word then why aren’t the people backing this idea coming up with a solution that includes everyone instead of mislabeling people as hateful furthering the divide. Hate begets hate.
Bobby Hussuo says
Remember to attend on June 8th, 7PM to let our voices be heard!
I have no problem living peacefully side by side with the LGBTQ+ community, as long as they’re willing to live peacefully side by side with folks who think BLM and Antifa are terrorist organizations, and transgenderism and Critical Race Theory have no place being taught in our taxpayer funded classrooms.
I have little doubt though that Inga Watt and Frances Carrasco, or many of the commenters here, are ok with those views, or are even content to just stop at a sidewalk. Wokeness is a cancer, and it is infecting our streets, our culture, and most unfortunately some of our youth.
How often is our City Council and the Sheriff willing to close down 3rd and State for 24 hours at a time when this “permanent fixture” is vandalized, as it is sure to be?
What will the council say when, say, next month a different group proposes to paint the adjacent intersection crosswalks in support of a conservative cause?
Is the city council willing to take on the lawsuits that will be filed when there is an accident on that intersection because some confused driver was distracted by the bright colors?
This is not a well thought out proposal, despite how “well spoken” these kids are.
As others here have said… in a mostly conservative area as the Bitterroot is, this stunt is clearly not meant to be anything but divisive and appease the woke, sensitive feelings and emotions of an extreme minority at the expense of the greater peace and good.
Victor Parakhin says
Where is this meeting going to take place? I see the time but I don’t see the address.
Diana says
I want to express my objection to this proposed “pride” crosswalk. Crosswalks are in place for pedestrian safety. They are there for pedestrians to have a safe passage from one side of a street to the opposite side. That is the reason crosswalks are in our cities and towns.
They are not, nor should they be, there to advertise, promote, demote or otherwise set aside any one group of people. They are not there to promote sexual orientation, race, religion, belief or lifestyle.
If this LBGTQ crosswalk is painted on our city streets it will create divisiveness in our city. If this is approved then where does it stop? Let us then also include Christians with scripture verses like: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6. Or a series of crosses and crowns of thorns.
Let us also include the Satanist with quotes from the satanic bible: “Satanism is not a white light religion, it is a religion of the flesh, the mundane, the carnal – all of which are ruled by Satan, the personification of the Left Hand Path.” Anton LeVey. Or a series of satanic symbols.
Let us also include quotes and beliefs from all walks of faith with symbols.
Let us also include White supremacist, Black supremacist, ANTIFA, BLM, NAZIS, and the list goes on.
City crosswalks are in place to provide pedestrians safe travel from one side of the street to the other. To change them to promote one group of citizens is ludicrous, appalling, wrong and should be illegal.
Debra says
Funny how anyone opposing this is labeled as hateful and homophobic. It’s the same old song and dance; if you’re not with me you’re against me. What utter crap. Your perceived slights are a result of your overblown sensitivity. Most conservatives could care less what you do, your sexual leanings or what you had for lunch yet you insist on throwing it in their faces. I don’t care if you walk down the street holding hands. I do take exception to couples, straight or gay making out in public. Get a room! I can’t for the life of me understand how a bit of paint on the street is going to make you feel any safer, any more included or welcome. You’re just wanting to validate your statement of I’m here and I’m queer. Who cares? Get over yourselves and go about living your life. There will always be people who don’t approve. Running this up their noses isn’t going to change their minds. Stop acting like spoiled toddlers and throwing a tantrum over closed minds. Allow them to look the other way. You dont need their approval. Try living your life quietly and privately like the majority of people do and leave the crosswalks to do the job they are designed for, pedestrian safety
Jessie V says
To these two girls, as well as the folks on this thread commenting in favor: You do realize we live in an area that is conservative by a very large margin? You are way outnumbered in your thinking here. Your woke”inclusive” ideals, that are actually just accepting of anything but conservative ideals, is the real problem in this valley and across the nation. We simply want to be left alone and not have the cultural garbage taking over liberal cities polluting our streets. You will never change the minds of the 80% of the valley that disagrees with you. Forcing propaganda like this down our throats, you only harm your own cause. If you want to feel inclusive, move somewhere that reflects your values. I’m sure there’s plenty of folks here who would be happy to help pack your u-haul.
Edward says
Touting the old separate but equal strategy…do you even hear yourself? It’s not anyone else’s problem that you can’t keep up with the times and want to be stuck in “the good old days”. Get over yourself and quit whining that the world is changing. If you don’t like it, then leave. Sound familiar?
Isaiah F. says
Yikes. Your opposition to this message of inclusivity is because “they are outnumbered”?
John S. says
My opposition is because gays are degenerates who flaunt their sin and they should be ashamed, not proud. Keep your misguided notion of inclusivity under your own roof.
Ann Hardenberg says
It is very sad to watch that some people want to see the entire country ( if not the world) painted in just 3 colors. When there are so many other beautiful, bright colors out there to enrich our lives.
Can you imagine a world without green, yellow, pink, turquoise? Everything just red, white and blue?
Hannah says
If you are a community member who is apart of the LQBTQ+ community and know you aren’t supported in Hamilton due to your hateful and homophobic members, just know that I and many others in Missoula support you unconditionally. Let it be known that LOVE IS LOVE. I’m so proud of our youth for proposing this idea in such a hateful town. Sometimes courage skips a generation and yours definitely has it.
Shad says
This is not a hateful town.
Jill says
Kids of all kinds may not feel supported. Just because of a life choice that one may make doesn’t mean that they’re not loved. Everyone can feel not loved if that’s what they continue to believe and then it can manifest to that. Town’s, city’s and County’s shouldn’t get caught up in everyone’s personal choices. If this then what’s next? The city has to accept everything that comes across the table? Slippery slope to start on.
Craig Johnson says
i don’t think Ace hardware is going to miss your business, just like kodiak jax is not going to miss my business.
Sadly, if this crosswalk painting were to happen(which i fully support) it will be quickly vandalized by a conservative member of the community.
Jessie V says
And rightfully so. If one side of the equation is allowed to tear down the monuments and culture they disagree with, then isn’t it only fair that our side is allowed to do the same? The woke left decided to open pandoras box, believing the ends justified the means. The only way to return to some sense of normalcy is by showing that a zero-sum game is the ultimate result of cancel culture.
Love Is Love says
Out of the mouths of babes…
ACE Hardware in Hamilton will continue to get my support. Some of you people are completely missing the point of inclusion. “Lifestyle choices”? Seriously? How “white privilege” could you possibly be?
Yes, let’s not turn into some other city that’s been oppressing members of their communities because of WHO THEY ARE and WHO THEY WERE BORN to love. Let’s remain Hamilton, Montana and show our support to all members of this beautiful town by showing our support and be proud to have them apart of it.
If we do that, maybe we won’t turn into those other cities that have been doing that exact thing and having mass shootings, death, and destruction. If we do that, maybe we can lead by example and support each other instead of hate and fear mongering simply because some don’t understand. If we do that, we can start educating people to prevent more violence and mayhem.
How does someone who loves another person directly affect your personal life?
Kmf says
Feadre says
Pride goes before the fall
Shad says
No, summer comes before fall
Bryan says
Yay rainbow sidewalks! I bet that will help population growth in Hamilton and the Bitterroot. Now we can get all these people moving from LA and Portland here.., bringing all their new ideas for leadership.
Joni Stormo says
I’m so pleased to see that some people in this valley support inclusivity, diversity and kindness. For those that do, thank you for your courage to stand up to support these kids. They need to know that several adults have their backs and believe in them. I live in Florence and similar battle is taking place over a LGBTQ+ club in the middle school. Bless the children for taking the strong stands and leading the way!
Susie Kraft says
I am proud of these students. With all the hate in this world they just want to spread some kindness and love. I loved the sidewalk painted by the library.
Vanessa says
Wow, so much hate on here. And homophobic remarks. If someone else wants to paint a cross walk make your own proposal and approach the committee and get your own funding.
Caitlin says
I would love to contribute to this idea and add the American flag colors in with pride colors we are all human who bleed the same color. Let’s start acting like it.
Isaiah F says
Red, white, and blue are already included in this proposal.
Jessie V says
No, they aren’t. Maybe try reading the article down to the second paragraph if that’s not too hard for you.
They’re including the pride colors, black and brown, as well as baby blue and pink for trans (suspiciously those same colors have also been used by pedophile activists who have been trying to gain more support in the LGBTQ community).
Heaven forbid they also represent cis white straight people in this “all lives matter” monument.
Chase says
No pedophile group will ever be accepted by the LGBTQIA community. Any “news source” who pushes that narrative is simply trying to demonize the LGBTQIA Community. And in regards to your desire for a monument representing cis white straight people, you literally have nearly every monument. The systems in place were designed for Cis-white straight people.
Arthur Benzin says
Yet that community is infested with pedos. People used to say “why do you care about what they do in the privacy of their home?”, well apparently this wasn’t enough and now we must put symbols of their community everywhere and support it otherwise we are evil.
Katelyn Lester says
Ya know… to each their own. How you choose to live your life is your business. I do, however, have an issue with these people shoving this crap down our throats. Equality and inclusion doesn’t mean in your face special attention! I just recently had a conversation with a guy women who told me she doesn’t support guy pride or the gay pride flag for these very reasons. There is nothing inclusive about this.
You can BET the city would never even entertain the idea of putting crosses or a portrait of Jesus anywhere on public property. Ask yourself why…
This is absolutely ludicrous!
MIke Meloche says
I want a crosswalk with Jesus Christ, a second cross walk with the NRA flag, a third crosswalk with We Support the First and Second Amendment, and a Pro-life cross walk., a Montana Flag crosswalk, and an American Flag crosswalk. If we are going to be inclusive, then be all inclusive.
Hannah says
If you drive through Hamilton you see all that in one go.
Travis f says
You will see all of the on private property. Public property is not the place for political views.
MIke Meloche says
I want a crosswalk with Jesus Christ, a second cross walk with the NRA flag, a third crosswalk with We Support the First and Second Amendment, and a Pro-life cross walk., a Montana Flag crosswalk, and an American Flag crosswalk. If we are going to be inclusive, then be all inclusive.
Cindi Hurst says
So what if two parts of intersection were the proposed and the other two red, white and blue and the American flag? Would everyone be happy
Johnny X says
If you think this isn’t meant to be divisive and the goal is just a pride sidewalk, just ask Frances or Inga what they think of BLM, Antifa, or Marxism and if they would like to see more of those ideologies in Hamilton as well.
Kangaroo says
As a member of the LGBTQ+ community and someone whom has lived in The Bitterroot Valley my entire life, I believe this is a great idea for adults and even children who are part of the community! I’m glad Hamilton is taking action.
Roo Gibson says
I believe this is a great idea. As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, this makes Hamilton seem safer to me. It puts more diversity out there in the Bitterroot Valley. I’m in full support and love that Ace Hardware is too!
Valerie Plowman says
I will not name names, but there is a young .an that was born and raised in Hamilton. While he was growing up everyone loved him as he got older he found his own way as many youth do. He has done amazing thing even been featured in a few tv shows. But when he said he was gay it changed how people treated him now he comes home maybe once every 6 to 7 years because of how he is treated. To this I say shame on you Hamilton. But to these students and Ace Hardware I am greatful for what you are attempting to do.
This is for PRIDE 1 month to focus on people who have had to hide their love, to pretend to be someone they are not. Get over yourself and stop playing 3rd grade games.
Julie Meloche says
Leave the intersection alone. Then, as a community, let’s live among one another. We can all shop where we want to, walk where we want to, eat where we want to, hike where we want to, fish where we want to, hunt where we want to, and worship where we want to. We don’t need “symbols” of inclusion, it will NEVER end. Every group will want to leave its mark so leave Hamilton alone, with as little intrusion of human nature as possible, and just be good neighbors. That way no one is offended, everyone is included, and we can move on. Keep it simple.
Outsider looking in says
Absolutely. Once you start for one group it will snowball and never end.
Carole says
I would rather see red, white and blue or a Montana flag painted across there to represent Everyone. I, too , will not go to Evans Ace Hardware. I can go to Massa or Stevensville. Next they will be wanting ,BLM or antifa painted somewhere.
Arc says
You understand antifa means anti-fascist right? Ace hardware doesn’t need you anyways by the way, you’re just another customer. Happy pride month, stay safe! ️️
Jessie V says
Ha… you do realize that the supposed “anti-fascists” are actually the real fascists in this war right? And it will be a happy month for the majority of the valley who don’t have the woke mental disorder… except our happiness has nothing to do with LGBTQ+(P) pride.
Neil says
Maybe we should have art installations that represent the minorities and represented in our community. Good idea.
Mike says
Completely agree. Looks like we need to get the hell out of here. Central Wyoming~ Why can’t people not constantly push this. None of my damn business and I don’t care to know what sex anyone prefers.. Now the circus begins here in Hamilton with a clown looking crosswalk? I’m not paying for this hen house woke bs. It’s a public ROAD that we all pay for. Ace Hardware, Feel better now? Stupid move. Paint your entire store like that then. Be ‘inclusive’. YOU own it! ( That word alone has been driven into the ground.) Spent so much there over the years………. oops…my bad. We will be watching very closely what the kids are being fed by their teachers. Go figure. Even here now~ Can’t believe this hen house crap. Why does this type stuff have to be painted all over certain towns and cities anyway? What good does it do exactly I wonder? Any minds changed by forcing this stuff? Doubt it……………………………………….
Rylan says
The issue with saying things like that is that American isn’t oppressed currently and neither is Montana. However the lgbtq+ community is oppressed. Personally i was harassed this entire week because I am part of the lgbtq+ community.
Jessie V says
You were harassed this entire week? I doubt that. 9/10 conservatives in Montana could give less of a crap about your LGBTQ+ status, unless you’re trying to force your culture down our throats with stunts like this. Your “oppression” is a straw man of your own making.
Justin says
Not in Hamilton. This IS a political statement and does not belong on city property. I also will no longer shop at Evan’s ace hardware.
John MFING Hancock says
If they want to include everybody, how about we paint them RED WHITE AND BLUE. America stands for everybody. Next it will be change the American Flag because it doesn’t include everyone.
Neil says
Representation is an American ideal, and our community could use a little more. I don’t know if you noticed but I saw the old red, white and blue in those colors.
Kelly says
Proud of these students for showing love to all members of our community! And good for ACE Hardware for supporting the idea!! Shocking and disturbing that anyone would find this controversial or offensive.
Deanne says
Agreed! It takes a lot of courage to stand up for the minority opinion. I fully support these teens and their proposal, it’s clearly needed here. Thank you to ACE for their support also.
Jeremy says
Is this group attempting to turn Hamilton into another Portland? If the taxpayers money is going to this project, then the community should absolutely have the opportunity to vote on it. Ace hardware has lost my business for good. Hamilton is a beautiful city and there is no place for graffiti here. Especially when it is so provocative and controversial in a conservative area. The community needs to have a say in this. Not the city council.
Arc says
Pride is all about love, graffiti is stuff like rebel flags and hateful messages. I think Montana should be more accepting to people who are LGBTQ+. Representation is needed in Hamilton
Rylan says
Painting the crosswalks is not graffiti, and it shouldn’t be a controversial topics. Hopefully the crosswalks will lead to better chances and a closer community where people aren’t harassed for liking the same gender.
Jennifer Madruga says
I support some kind of inclusive statement. Statistically the people that this project represents are at higher risk in every category. I’d like to see something more inclusive, but it’s a project proposal that keeps the issues visible and hopefully keeps dialogue and thoughtful discourse open.
Patty Franklin says
There is nothing “inclusive” about placing the symbol of a lifestyle choice (and small minority) in the faces of a conservative community. I would like to see the colors of white and grey painted on this intersection to show my support for straight, white, senior citizens. We are not in the minority and yet we are constantly ignored by “woke” people pretending to be inclusive.
Hannah says
You’re not in the minority BECAUSE you are a straight, white, old person. What support do you even need? A better cane?
Bobby Hussuo says
Ahh, and there it is! Behold, our “tolerant” left: Every name you call the right, you are in fact yourself.
Jimmy Breeze says
At the very core of progressive, woke, globalist ideology is Loxism. This reveals the true nature of the movement. The fact that the woke soldiers openly advocate for the political disenfranchisement, and social humiliations of white Christians further reveals the primary movers. The progressives do not target mosques, or synagogues, because whites do not worship there. The core tenant of progressivism is that white people are inherently evil and must be vanquished.
John MacFarlane says
I will never spend another nickel at Ace Hardware.
Bill LaCroix says
I already don’t because of their anti-mask policy that helped spread sickness in this community. Maybe you should broaden your outrage a bit
Mike says
Been going for as long as I can remember…… DONE. Sick and tired of this candy A** ‘inclusive woke crap.. I don’t care what anyone decides to lay down with……. leave this crap in Mizoola
Jacquie Fredrickson says
Do all residents of this community get a chance to voice their concerns? Or just a few who are “proposing” this idea?
Sean Ashby says
City council meeting June 8th, 7:00 PM. Be there.
Jessie Edwards says
Stop making statements that cause derision. Making people, any people, in your face is a mistake. Backlash will be endless and take up way to much of city funds.