By Grace Wilson, Stevensville
All our schools need guidance and prayer, but especially right now for the Florence Carlton school. It has been found out that a “gay” club has been meeting, during school hours, in the school building, with junior high and middle school students, to win them over to the gay lifestyle. This so called “club” must be stopped immediately. A school is there to teach academics, not to confuse students about a certain sexual lifestyle. This is a horrible evil taking place right here in our valley. Our tax money should not be supporting such actions. Please pray that the school board will stand up strong against such immoral actions, and for wisdom and guidance for the decisions they must make.
Children are created in the image of God, and we must not allow them to be led down the path of destruction. We have an all-powerful God, but He also wants us to take the responsibility He gave to us, to stand strong for the well being of the children. Parents and all those interested, make your voice be heard. If you can, come to the school board meeting on Tuesday, June 8 at 7 p.m. Help to keep Florence Carlton and all the valley schools to uphold high moral standards.
Aaron Rhodes says
Thanks Grace. Remain grounded and know that there are many, many who agree and will pray. Thanks for encouraging us to pray for this!
Kids face many problems, especially in middle school. The GSA is not the answer to any of these problems. School grounds are not the place for this kind of club – it is inappropriate for kids. And, the GSA is openly opposed to parents’ notice, consent, or participation based on the assumption that the family “can be” a threat to a child. Very poor and narrow assumption based on the vast number of caring parents. Based on these things alone, the GSA is not only not the answer, but a choice that would divide families, schools, and communities.
Grace, your comments are not “hate” – call them “tough love”.
D says
This is a great example of someone stoking division where there doesn’t need to be. As an educator in this valley, I see firsthand the effects of misunderstanding and bullying on our lGBT students, thus all the more need for a place for these students to be understood and not judged.
If you’re willing, Grace, please listen to the stories of LGBT teens without judgement or condemnation. Really listen and hear their stories with an open heart and you’ll come to a better understanding of whether this was actually a choice. Many would chose heterosexuality if it was an actual choice. (It’s not a choice.)
Scot Krause says
Letters like this prove that LGBTQ+ clubs are a good thing. You equate anything outside of heterosexuality as immoral, which is absurd. These kids need to know that they have people that respect and care about them, regardless of their gender or sexuality. I think Grace Wilson should spend a little more time reading about Jesus and get her nose out of Leviticus for a minute.
Emily says
Grace, please do something other that write your politically biased and backwards opinions to the paper. This is sad and disgusting. I’ve read many of your opinions. I can’t believe that a proud “christian” woman would condemn people for something they cannot control. I will pray for you to open your eyes and learn to love everyone, not just straight, white republican “Christians”.
Kelly says
First, your god doesn’t dictate the law for other people. We don’t all believe the same thing. We are only subject to the laws of our state and federal government. Second, as others have said Jesus hung out with prostitutes and poor. I think he’d hang out with this group before a hateful person like you. Gay isn’t a lifestyle! 3rd – if this group is meeting before or after school your tax dollars aren’t being used because it isn’t a school funded group. You’re just a sad scared lady hanging on to fear and promoting hate. You really should be ashamed of yourself!
Erin says
My student attends Florence- Carlton schools. Just to clarify, this group meets once a week, during their lunch, and the staff member *volunteers* their time to sit in with these kids. They are in no way being indoctrinated. They found each other and are searching for a sense of belonging, which EVERYONE deserves.
S says
I’m pretty sure Jesus wouldn’t approve of your level of hatred and fear.
Bill LaCroix says
So….prayers for victims of “2nd Amendment” massacres and prayers for the “evil” kids standing up to religious bullies. Wow. How ignorant and mean-spririted.
Jyno says
Yer just mad gay people make more money than you.
Montana Farmer says
What an ignorant statement
Nancy A Neal says
What a sad sad person that wrote that letter. To have so much hate in ones heart can not be healthy. I pity your small world view. You must be a very unhappy person.