by Linda Schmitt, Corvallis
The backdrop to our glorious summer days is a push/pull of pro- and anti-democracy forces. On the one hand we have our Secretary of State and legislature slamming the door shut on voting; on the other we have inspiring calls for freedom and self expression, the Pride Month and Juneteenth holiday.
In our last Montana election, over 8000 people registered to vote on election day or updated their registrations. Now, in some states that would not be a big number. In Montana, it is. How many of these people would make a special trip to the election office before an election to take care of updating their registration? Not a lot, I’d bet. Elections can easily hinge on narrow margins, but that’s not a concern to the Secretary of State or the current crop of legislators. No, they’d rather shut the door on Montanans voting, in the name of political correctness. Is there a problem of voter fraud in Montana? Nope. Why burden voters with unnecessary impediments to voting? Because they could and did.
On the other hand, we are revived and refreshed by the spirit of joy and freedom our young gay students exhibit during this month of Pride. Yes, we are proud and free, as we celebrate the end of slavery. Slavery of body, mind and spirit. Let’s rejoice.