It is time to vote in the important election for School Board Trustees. Return your ballot to the Ravalli County Election Administrator not later than 4 May.
Unfortunately, there is much consternation within the education sector and among parents, students and citizens over the current state of public education. We, as residents of our respective school districts, need to elect Trustees who reflect our values; reflect our goals for the education of our children; have the experience and motivation to address and solve the issues that confront our schools; and who will faithfully represent the interests of students, local voters, and parents.
Three general and interrelated areas encompass many of the problems facing public education. First is the decrease in measurable performance by US students as compared to their peers around the world. Second is curricula in which students are taught “what to think rather than how to think.” This is compounded by curricula focused on topics of questionable value at the expense of essential fundamental skills. Third is a lack of responsiveness to parents and students that has generated much resentment.
With respect to student performance, the record is getting worse. According to the Wall Street Journal, in the 2018 International Student Assessment, US student scores were behind those of the number 1 country (China) by 9%, in reading, by 19% in math, and by 15% in Science.
With respect to the curriculum, concern exists with the procedures of Common-Core based teaching especially in math. Students with minimum retention and lacking an understanding of fundamentals makes them frustrated and dislike school. Lack of unbiased instruction in the founding ideals of this country and its history of accomplishment while advocating socialist forms of government is exacerbated by the Cancel-Culture epidemic. This has produced a generation of Americans who believe they will be better off living in a “socialist or communist country” rather than a free-market capitalist one like the United States. We suggest readers investigate Dr. Carson’s 1776 Action, or the Prager University PREP initiative and contrast them to the NY Times 1619 project. Montana children lack adequate instruction in civics and the history of the United States.
With respect to parent and student dissatisfaction, many are leaving public education for private, charter or home schooling. The loss of students worsens school budget issues and many of the other challenges facing the school system. The dissatisfaction is exacerbated by COVID, even in Bitterroot schools that have been open for in-person education during most of the current school year. Some students attending in-person classes are experiencing learning and psychological issues. Students and parents need help to overcome the negative impacts of remote teaching even when the student is in a classroom.
We urge you to vote for effective, responsive, and committed School Trustees to represent you and your children in the local school districts. Vote like you and your student’s futures depend on it. They do.