I shall not bestow upon you the title of honorable as I would Jon Testor, because you have no honor. I watched with horror the attack on my nations capitol, apparently not yours, and the flag of secessionist dragged across the rotunda. By the way, something 6 years of the bloodiest war in U.S. history could not accomplish.
I remember your rhetoric leading up to the events of January 6, that you now try to take back. The words of your oath of office to protect and defend the constitution of the United States still floating on the air, you and Mr. Rosendale signed on to the lie of election fraud of the most lawless President in history.
You used the mantra of Trumpism and fealty to this President to further your political ambitions and now you want us to believe, oh, I didn’t contribute to the events that have taken place.
I for one do not buy it, you did not project the views of the the people of the great state of Montana whom you were elected to represent. Rather you chose the tyranny of this President and the group of senators of which you are now member who precipitated this attack.
I submit there was great fraud committed in this election and it was committed by you and Mr. Rosendale on the people of Montana.
Richard Galiher