Henry, you’ve really got to stop sugar coating your bigoted racism. Seriously man, what freakin rock do you people crawl out from under? Immigrants stole the election…..what? TRUMP is the loser. Always has been. If you pulled your head out and did some basic research you’d find out what a corrupt, narcissistic fraud he’s always been. I guess for folks like you it’s just easier to drink the Orange Koolaid.
Your White Nationalist identity is a shameful, small minded and losing movement but you don’t even realize it living up here in ‘white bread’ Montana. You should ask a Native American their thoughts on your whole ‘historic American nation’ reasoning. It’s this level of ignorance that makes me ashamed to be a Bitterrooter, Montanan and US citizen.
Henry, please crawl back under your rock and disappear.
Bill Stroud