By John and Carolyn Snively, Missoula
Despite the outrageous lies her opponent and his supporters tell in their ads, Kathleen Williams has an unimpeachable record of service to Montana and its citizens.
Williams has worked for decades with Montana farmers, ranchers and landowners on land and water conservation issues. They know her in rural Montana and support her efforts to make ours a better state.
She spent six years representing Bozeman in the Montana House, working tirelessly across party lines to improve the lot of all Montanans. Her efforts were instrumental in passing numerous acts protecting and benefiting Montana small businesses and corporations that serve the public good.
As vice chair of the Water Policy Interim Committee and member of the CSKT Water Commission, Williams’ efforts to educate the Legislature and public about the compact were pivotal to its passage.
Williams has a proven record in the Legislature advocating for access to medical care in Montana and will pursue improved access nationwide.
Kathleen Williams has an absolutely transparent record of advancing public policy to benefit all Montanans, regardless of political beliefs. It is for these well-documented accomplishments and her ability to work with all stakeholders that we strongly support her for our next Representative in Congress.