By Diane Ross, Stevensville
As I read your comments on face masks for coronavirus, aka COVID -19, no comments as to what affects mask wearing has on the human body.
You did not identify what specialty of doctors you are. Are you an M.D. FP, sports doctor, OB/GYN, dentist, chiropractor, cardiologist, immunologist or a virologist?
Side effects to wearing masks not mentioned.
Length of time a person should wear a mask, not mentioned.
Side effects: oxygen levels in blood and to brain – lowered.
Breathing in your own carbon dioxide, sneezing and coughing into mask and rebreathing those particles in.
Immune system – compromised.
No fresh oxygen into lungs.
You did not mention that there are lots of coronaviruses – that is what the cold is. This is a bad cold! Nothing more.
You did not mention hydroxychloroquine has been used in the Asian countries for 70 years. It has also been used for our soldiers returning from the Korean War and Vietnam.
You did not mention that President Trump signed into law “the right to try.” This is for any and all medicines.
You did not mention there was no social distance or mask wearing when American had Ebola, H1N1 (swine flu) or the Hong Kong flu. The country was not shut down, nor were people told to stay in their homes. We went to work, school, shopping, to church.
The HIN1 (swine flu) and Ebola were when Obama was in office. Hong Kong flu in 1972-1973. Our country did not shut down nor did we wear masks or distance ourselves from each other. I know, I lived it.
You commented that “we do not believe that civil or criminal penalties are necessary at this time.”
Who gave you the authority to have a person arrested because they do not comply with the mask or 6 feet apart?
There is no law requiring a person to distance themselves or to wear a mask!
You need to read the U.S. Federal Law, Title II of Civil Rights Act. 42 U.S. Code §2000a.
Dr. Bill McNulty said “You did not ask me!” The root word for mask is ASK!
You say that plexiglass shields used by businesses are “acceptable face coverings.” So, if the plexiglass is “supposed” to stop the virus, why are you wearing a mask?
If I don’t wear a mask, why are you upset if I’m near you when you are wearing a mask? Is it because you know these masks don’t really work? The only mask that works on this virus is the N95 mask. Go ask the doctors and nurses.
The CDC an Dr. Fauci have started healthy people do onto need to wear a mask.
Dr. Fauci is supposed to be the doctor for coronavirus, aka COVID-19. Fauci is a doctor of the immune system or an immunologist. He is NOT a virologist!
A virologist is a doctor that studies viruses, i.e. coronaviruses, etc.
You need to see Newsmax’s Sean Spicer’s guest on August 10, 2020 to know what a virologist is and tells you about the coronavirus.
Dr. Li-Meng Yan is a doctor of virology. She is here in America in hiding after escaping China. She lets you know the coronavirus was made in a military lab in China, and that China put it on the world. She also stated hydroxychloroquine is used to treat coronavirus. You can see Dr. Li-Meng Yan at – Sean Spicer & Co. or on Dish Channel 216.
And last, why did Israel send America six million doses of hydroxychloroquine and not any of us have been able to use it? Why are doctors not pressuring the CDC to distribute this medicine when other countries use it? It must be all about control of the people of America.
Think about it.
Roger Mitchell says
Excellent! Three cheers for Diane Ross!!