This is a request for a bid to remove 26 trees and trim 4 trees in Corvallis Estates Park along Martin Driver. The trees to be removed are leaning over Martin Drive and are a threat to the road and to the Northwest Energy power line along the west edge of the road. The trees for removal are marked with an orange stripe and those for trimming with a white stripe.
Some of the trees for removal will need to be removed in pieces from the top to avoid hitting the power line. All cut portions of the trees will be removed from the site. The stumps will be left in place.
There are two residences and a shop along Martin Drive. The contact point for the two residences and the shop is Mr. Dan Cassens 369-0046. The project will need to provide periodic safe Ingres and egress for road users.
Please submit your bid for this work by November 9, 2020, at 4:00 PM to Ravalli County Park Board c/o Chris Taggart, 215 S. 4th Street Suite A, Hamilton, MT 59840 (3rd Floor)
Contact Bob Cron AT 375-2364 for questions.
BS 10-28, 11-4-20. MNAXLP