By Celia Grohmann, Missoula
I am more than exhausted by the Trump-ettes who are sick of our government “interfering” in their precious lives, “costing” too much money in taxes and otherwise imposing, oh forbid, safety on them, by requesting they act like adults during the largest pandemic in our present history.
This liar, cheat, and thief is our president who likely stole an election and is about to try it again. Even tRump hates his followers, he has spouted hatred worldwide, mocks everyone, bankrupted everything he touches, except his own bank account. He is a narcissist, criminal, and bigot. He just pokes everyone in the eye, and in shock, they respond by feeding his fantastical ego by paying any attention to him at all. He has chosen to spew his paranoia, disbelief in science, contorting truth everywhere! I’m sickened by him and the bigots that blindly follow him off the cliff.
This is in response to a letter a friend of a friend wrote on Facebook recently. He was ranting about how bad our government is. Where Trump has been in office for almost unbearable four years now.
I find arguments against our government an incredibly selfish view of your and my contribution to our society. You think business owners keep a community together without the combined resources of our government. You begrudge paying taxes for roads that enable us to work where we want, go where we want; you begrudge an education for everyone, when I suspect you already got yours from the same government that you have grown to hate. Check yourself for the services that you have benefited from before you tell everyone else to go to hell. I’m sure there are more eloquent ways to say that I believe in this government. But, I’m just tired of the fighting the selfishness of so many who have had the benefit of growing up in a country that has bothered to try to make the world better for them. We have parks, hospitals, policing, roads, schools, and everyone contributes, what, a couple thousand dollars for those benefits? Look around at your life and tell me you are an island. No one is. You don’t understand the point of compromise and negotiation. You can’t just burn it down because you don’t like parts of it. Surely you’ve heard the saying, “cutting off your nose to spite your face.”
This president is mis-leading us on the pandemic, says he’s not involved, not at fault, has nothing to do with it. Well, that’s the truth, he’s perfectly useless! Over 200,000 Americans have died for this criminal (over 65 times 9/11 folks). That number is real, and expected to double by winter, while our little domestic terrorist Nero does nothing, except steal more money, bankrupt our country, and line his pockets and the pockets of every Republican senator who is in lockstep with him.
Flip the Senate, get Trump in jail, and try to repair the American psyche, by being an adult, pay your proportionate fair share, and help find solutions, for goodness sake.
Mike Miller says
Well, Celia,
You’re certainly not making friends fast in the Bitterroot, I see! You should just stay down in Missoula, with all the homeless panhandling, doing their drugs, and defecating in the alleys. Also, I see you have over 12 times the amount of covid cases down there than we do in Ravalli County.
Yes, definitely stay in Missoula. Make sure you wear your mask EVERYWHERE, even in your car by yourself, and in your own house, too. While you sleep, and even shower! Make sure your house is airtight! Augh! I bet your mask isn’t even capable of blocking the covid-19 germ, or you’re wearing it incorrectly. And shame on you for not disposing of your HAZMAT MASK properly! Clearly, you have no concern for others catching your germs.
BTW, according to the MT website on covid cases, the survival rate is 98.71%. Now, since you’re so concerned about your safety, what are you doing to reduce your 1 in 7 chance of hear disease and cancer, your 1 in 18 chance of chronic lower respiratory disease, even chance of “self harm” (AKA suicide) is higher (1 in 95) than dying from covid-19. SO… you’re literally more of a danger to yourself than this covid-19 virus going around. Maybe someone should call the police on your for being a danger to yourself!
As for your idiotic and ignorant ‘Trump likely stole the election…’ That is utterly baseless; in fact he won it based on the actions of our government and Constitution. And if you want to pay more taxes that you already are, you’re more than welcome to every year when you file taxes or get them deducted form your payroll any time. You have that right. If someone wants to keep as much as they can of the money THEY WORKED FOR, they have that right, too.
You rant about taxes. How do you like paying that ‘Missoula tourist tax’ on fuel? LOL! What a farce that was! Tourists only here part of the year, and certainly less this year, but here you are, year around, paying tax that tourists aren’t. I bet you voted for that.
It’s hilariously ironic you rant about people should act like adults, all the while you are an adult ranting like a spoiled ignorant child.
People like you say ‘you’re educated, tolerant, understanding and peaceful, but your ridiculous rant proves the opposite.
Sharon Gee says
This letter is a steaming pile of verbal vomit. I was so sick to my stomach that I couldn’t even finish reading the article.
So much hatred. So sad.
Roger Mitchell says
Well!! That sounded pretty hateful.