By Tom Tunny, Hamilton
When President Trump was asked if he would accept the results of the upcoming elections, he said that he “would have to see what happens”. What does that mean? Is he saying that if the results do not go his way, he will not accept them and will refuse to step down as President, thus continuing the American tradition of a peaceful transition of power? YES…that is exactly what he means! To my knowledge, in the entire history of our blessed country, we have never had to deal with a crisis like this.
Does the President believe that he can devise a plan that will keep him in office regardless of the election results? Why, yes, he does…and he and his henchmen (henchwomen) are already working on several plans that would lead to his illegal continuation in office…despite the popular vote. By popular vote we must include votes in person, mail-in votes, and absentee votes (votes by soldiers stationed overseas, among others).
Vice-President Biden said recently, “he (referring to Pres. Trump) says the most irrational things!” That is true but can we discount what Trump says as an idle threat, wishful or irrational thinking? No, we must take the President at his word and do what we can to prevent him from moving our democracy to an authoritarian TRUMP dictatorship…or worse!
I know there are many Republican and Conservative voters here in Ravalli County and throughout the State of Montana and I respect your right to vote your conscience, but Donald Trump is not interested in your vote or mine, but only the assurance of the continuation of his role as head of our government in whatever form he chooses.
This is the time for all loyal, responsible, patriotic Americans to take a stand and act to maintain our American way of life. Follow the lead of the 500 former military officers, Cabinet Secretaries, service chiefs, and other officials who have signed an open letter to support former vice-president Joe Biden who, they believe, has “the character, principles, wisdom and leadership necessary to address a world on fire.”