Senator announces $996,415 in grant funding for Missoula Aging Service’s Alzheimer’s Disease Program Initiative
U.S. Senator Jon Tester today announced that Missoula Aging Services (MAS) will receive $996,415 in Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) funding to help seniors and those with developmental disabilities in Missoula and Ravalli Counties who have Alzheimer’s diseases or related dementias remain independent and in their homes.
“Folks with Alzheimer’s diseases and related dementias—particularly those with intellectual disabilities—often have a hard time living alone, and with coronavirus forcing Montanans to stay socially distant, these seniors need as much support as they can get,” said Tester. “Missoula Aging Services does fantastic work providing critical aid to these individuals, and this funding will help them continue assisting older folks in Missoula and Ravalli Counties so they can retain their independence while receiving the tools they need to stay safe and healthy.”
The funding comes from the HHS Administration on Aging and will provide critical funding to MAS’s Alzheimer’s Disease Program Initiative, which aims to make certain that those with Alzheimer’s diseases and related dementias receive services in their homes so they can keep their independence as long as possible. MAS set up the initiative in partnership with the Ravalli County Council on Aging and Opportunity Resources, Inc. to ensure services encompass both Missoula and Ravalli Counties.
“Missoula Aging Services is thankful to have the funding to be able to further our Mission and directly help those with Alzheimer’s or dementia, and their caregivers,” said Roberta Smith, Acting Governing Board Chair of Missoula Aging Service. “On behalf of older adults, families and caregivers that will benefit from this funding, we extend our deep appreciation to those that made this grant possible.”
Tester has proven himself a tried and true advocate for Montana’s seniors, especially throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. He secured more than $300,000 in pandemic relief funding for older Montanans this spring, and worked to bring more than $5.5 million in Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act funding to critical Montana programs that will help seniors stay healthy and safe during the crisis. He also successfully expanded telephone-based health care services for Montana seniors, and recently announced $1.2 million to help the state support senior nutrition services.