Ravalli County Public Health Dept.
August 26, 2020
As of 4 p.m. today, Ravalli County Public Health has received three new cases of COVID-19. Ravalli County currently has 11 active cases of COVID-19.
- Two new active cases are males in their thirties.
- One new active case is a toddler.
- Two of the new active cases are family members of current active cases.
- One new active case is related to travel.
- One active case remains hospitalized.
- Public Health nurses continue to release active cases from isolation once they recover from symptoms.
Public Health would like to remind the community:
- People of ALL AGE GROUPS can contract and transmit COVID-19 to others.
- Any person who has contracted COVID-19 can spread the virus without seeming sick, feeling sick, or showing signs or symptoms of infection.
- Being around other people while ill may put their health, well-being, and ability to work at risk.
- If you feel sick, it is imperative that you stay home and do not interact with others.
-Do not go to work.
-Do not go out shopping.
-Isolate yourself from others and contact your provider.
Public Health recommendations to minimize your risk of contracting COVID-19:
- Keep your social circle as small as possible.
- Wear a mask when in public or interacting with other people.
- Maintain a minimum of six feet from other people.
- Wash your hands thoroughly and often.
If you have symptoms of COVID-19, please call your provider.
If you have a known exposure to someone with COVID-19, Public Health recommends self-quarantine and to call Public Health for further guidance.
If you have any questions regarding COVID-19, please call: (406) 375-6672.