By Jane Lambert, Stevensville
I hope people stand behind Brandon Dewey and keep him as their Mayor. He ran for office for the right reasons — to serve the people of Stevensville, and work to make our community better. Even when mean spirited council members made him choose between giving up a beloved position on the volunteer fire department, he chose service to the town, over that volunteer service. I have known Brandon since he was about 8 years old, and have always known him to be a sincere, caring individual, and I applaud his accomplishments while he has served his constituents.
What in the world is Mr. Michalson’s agenda in this? He is rude to city employees, bullies those he doesn’t like, sends back stabbing emails, and posts no positive ideas for moving Stevensville forward. It looks to me like Michalson and his cohort Robin Holcomb, should be the ones run out of town on a rail. City Council members should have more of a plan to govern than to make everyone’s life miserable.
Stand up for Brandon, and vote against his recall.