By J. Ward, Lolo
Honest men do not get “rich” by working hard. Wealth is gained by inheritance, tax fraud, bank fraud, insurance fraud, just plain fraud, lawsuits, murder, theft of land, slavery or win the lottery. Military and all things military. Wall Street is greed on steroids. Foreign investors, people that couldn’t care less about US in USA, bridges to nowhere, highways no one uses, buildings no one can live in. Men that never had enough. Pedophiles, sex trade, drug dealing, you name it. This is the base of Capitalism. And more, not mentioned here!
Verifiable facts: Tax cuts – tsunami up, trickle down with Herbert Hoover. Capitalism to the Great Depression, Socialism got us out. Banks and corporations were regulated, we got quite a few years of peace, tsunami up, trickle down tax cuts (Reagan administrations).
1999 a Republican held Congress under Clinton, banks and corporations, all regulations removed. What price freedom? In less than 10 years banks and corporate America brought the world to its knees. Many lost their homes. Two wars to fight, capitalism in, socialism out, again!
Trump gave us tsunami up, trickle down tax cuts. Who will pay the bills? Not the rich. Who will benefit from war? Not the warriors. Two wars not paid for, balloon up the military budget. National debt increases by trillions – Socialism will bail us out again. Pay attention, the rich hide their money in off shore accounts (IMHO) that should be treason. If you use what the country has to offer, you can damn well pay your taxes. Rich men are still trying to deregulate, not because they need more, it’s because they just can’t get enough.
The hourly wage earner pays the most in taxes. Taken out of our paychecks, we really don’t have a choice. Realtors have really sweet deals, and a lot of opportunity to cheat. Ask Trump. Look around you. Mansions Montanans can’t afford to live in. Will $15.00 per hour get you into one?
Don’t like Socialism – be careful what you ask for, you might get it. Maybe get Bill Clinton back to get the debt paid off and money in the bank.
David kubeja says
Very well stated.