By Joseph G. Gallagher Jr., Stevensville
I will come out of all this lockdown realizing there are two economies in the country, i.e. those companies that make up the Fortune 500 and small businesses with less than 100 employees of which the former is still doing well but the latter is not. There are many weepers, criers, and bawlers in this country about everything who have no appreciation for how fortunate they are. How childish, selfish, and immature many people are. That other people are good, empathetic and will sacrifice themselves for others. That people are gullible and will believe anything. That money really buys privilege. That real freedom requires discipline. And finally, there are people I would never want to live next to and others I would. That is what I will come out of this lockdown with. The real reality of America that is not lily white but a little tarnished.