By Mark Van Loon, Hamilton
We’re in the middle of pandemic and people won’t even do the simplest, easiest thing to stop the spread – WEAR A MASK. Inconvenient? Off putting? Not cool? Would you rather be in a medical coma with the breathing tube down your throat? And if not you, how about someone you care about?
If you not wearing a mask affected only you, then you’d get what you deserve. But it doesn’t work that way. I wear a mask to protect you and you wear a mask to protect me. We’re past isolated cases and into community spread. It’s estimated that up to 60% of people infected with the virus aren’t showing symptoms and don’t know they have it. But everywhere they go, just by breathing they’re spreading the virus like a mosquito fogger. Masks can cut this spread by up to 85%.
Outdoors, with social distancing, can be pretty safe. But gatherings like the farmer’s market or even just walking on a sidewalk are not safe. Everywhere indoors in not safe without a mask. You can be considerate of your neighbors, families and friends or you can be stupid and selfish. What’ll it be?
Sue Devlin says
Excellently said Mark. It takes 2 seconds of precaution by putting on a mask. Precaution for you and me