Darby football coach Jeff Snavely has been suspended while comments he made on social media are being investigated.
The Missoulian and 406 MT SPORTS reported last week that Snavely posted a remark on social media in response to another person’s post about law enforcement that appeared to suggest Black Lives Matter protesters in Salt Lake City should be lynched. The post, which has since been deleted, is reported to have said “they should all be strung up and hang in public like the old days. Lot less of that sh*t would go on.”
Snavely told the Missoulian and 406 MT SPORTS last Thursday that, “It was not a racial comment at all. The only thing I want to say is that I apologize to the Darby community and Darby school. The post was not about Black Lives Matter. It wasn’t. It was a video of people rioting and that kind of stuff. It has nothing to do with, in my opinion, Black Lives Matter. It was just people being unlawful and everything else.” He is also quoted as saying, “It was not intended to be a racial comment. I am not a racist.”
Snavely has worked seasonally for the Darby School District as the Darby football coach and recently signed a contract for the 2020 season. According to high school principal JP McCrossin, Snavely has been suspended while the board considers what action it may take. The board will consider the issue at a meeting scheduled for Thursday evening at 6 p.m. The meeting will be broadcast on Zoom and may be accessed by going to the school’s website at www.darby.k12.mt.us
Michael says
Come on and let the man coach football!! What happened to freedom of speech? Everyone knows this his opinion and not Darby High schools opinion.
B says
By allowing him coach, it’s tacit approval. Not a good look.