By Chris Hoffman, Corvallis
Mail-in ballots have just been sent out for the June 2nd primary election, and while there are many important races, none may be more important than the race for the District #2 County Commissioner seat. Local government touches our lives every single day, in ways that state and federal government cannot. Your local elected officials are the most approachable, always available to the citizens and taxpayers in the community. This is why it is so important to cast your vote for a person you know will listen to you, and who understands the community we share. In Ravalli County, Dan Huls is that person.
I have known Dan for my entire life. He has been a mentor and example to me and my children and to many other people in the Bitterroot Valley. Dan’s service to this community has been on his own time, over and above his busy life as co-owner and operator of Huls Dairy, along with his brothers. Dan has served on numerous county and private advisory boards, serving as chair on some of them, and bringing his intimate knowledge of this valley and its unique issues to bear on all of them.
Having served as both Sheriff and County Commissioner here, I know that it takes someone who is willing and able to speak to people of every political stripe, in order to come up with common-sense solutions to complex problems. Dan Huls has proven over a lifetime in agriculture and community involvement his ability to work with people from every walk of life to solve problems and come up with ideas for maintaining our quality of life in the Bitterroot.
Dan and his family have proven their support of the 2nd Amendment, by allowing people to enjoy the shooting sports on their property. He has proven his support to our first responders by allowing his property to be used for training. His views on private property rights and access to public lands are unimpeachable. His advocacy of open lands is helping to maintain what we all love about this place.
Dan is a patriot, a person of action and vision. He is a family man of deep faith, with integrity, a strong work ethic, a generous spirit, and a love of country and community.
As I close out my time as an elected official, I am thrilled that Dan Huls is willing to step up and run for this important office. For all these reasons and more, it is my honor to publicly endorse Dan Huls for District #2 Ravalli County Commissioner.