By Rep. Theresa Manzella, HD 85
Like you, I received my mail-in ballot for the mill levy increase to support the Bitterroot College and the election of the Board of Trustees in yesterday’s mail. Several people have asked my opinion on the issue. Despite having a difference of opinion on the funding source for such a project, there’s no doubt that I would love to see a well-appointed Community College in Ravalli County. The benefits are many and I encourage each citizen to be as generous as you feel comfortable.
But as you make this important decision, there’s additional information that you might not be aware of that should be considered. In 2017, your State Legislature passed SB 307, which allows school boards to impose up to a 10 mill permissive levy, annually on the taxpayers of their districts without a vote of the people. Despite Article VIII, Section 2 of our State Constitution making it clear that taxation is an inalienable right of the legislature, and shall never be surrendered, suspended or contracted away, the bill passed with flying colors. I voted against it. My opponent voted for it, and it is now law.
I believe one of my most important jobs as your Representative is to interpose between you and potential government overreach. That bill completely removed my ability to intercede on your behalf, as well as your opportunity to vote on the matter. With all due respect to School Board Trustees, the passage of that bill leaves our citizens with taxation without constitutional representation. A levy is a tax; and a tax by any other name is still a tax.
So, what does the Bitterroot Community College and our local schools have in common, you ask? Your tax dollars are used as a large part of the funding source. Fortunately, the Bitterroot Community College is asking for your support and permission to raise your taxes. I encourage you to vote your conscience on the ballot issue, but do so with the knowledge that the legislature has given their permission for your property taxes to be raised as much as 10 mills per year without your permission for the funding of our local public schools.